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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

What I got for Christmas...

It always sneaks up on me and then disappears as quickly as it came. Christmas. What an interesting time of year. People bustling about, going here and there, in search of the perfect gifts for their loved ones. The money that is spent this time of year must be astronomical! The meals that are consumed-so decadent! The presents, the decorations, the carols, the food, family and friends can all be beautifully overwhelming. It truly is a one-of-a-kind time of year.

This particular year, Christmas has been quite unique for me. I enjoyed a blessing this year that made my perspective extremely different than in past years. I've had the blessing of being so broke that I viewed the Christmas season this year from a very different perspective. Now, don't misunderstand me, I have always known, understood, and reflected on the birth of our Savior this time of year. That will never change. I've watched others flood their children with every high-tech gift out there. That is a great blessing if you are able to do so. I do not look down on parents that do such things just because they've been blessed in ways that others haven't. It's easy for those with less to look down on those who go overboard with their spending. It's an easy way to "deal" with the frustration of having less. I've also watched families with next to nothing draw ever closer to one another and have an appreciation for the few little things they were able to give and receive that those with a lot cannot possibly appreciate. It's a delicate balance between the "haves" and "have-nots". I am fairly new to the "have-not" perspective, but I have a great appreciation for it. It has been an incredible blessing to me this year.

I've gained a much deeper appreciation for the tiniest blessings in my life. The friends and families that gave so generously to me and my daughter in an effort to brighten our Christmas season were nothing short of amazing. I've been in touch with a lot of friends and family members that I had lost touch with over the past few years. What a blessing! My daughter still doesn't quite grasp the concept of presents and such, but she enjoyed all the fun and family time together very much. It showed in her wide eyes and smiles as big as her whole face!

My biggest blessing this year came to me internally. It was a spiritual thing. It stemmed from something I read. Reflecting on Christ's birth it took an interesting spin on the "reason for the season". While we give thanks for the beautiful and miraculous virgin birth of our Savior, it took things a step further. It focused on why He was born. It reminded readers that He came with a purpose. Not to just be the Baby Jesus, meek and mild, but that He had a much loftier purpose. Jesus was born to die on a cross for each one of us. Jesus was born to die. Not a perspective most reflect on during Christmas time. This year, I internally took on this mindset. It completely changed things for me. It was a deeper, more meaningful Christmas than I have ever experienced. It took me away from the parties, the feasts, the flood of toys, gift cards, and such. It took me from a miracle birth to a cross and nails, from a swaddling clothes to a crown of thorns. It reminded me what the whole point of the Christmas story really is: God's love. His passion for me. His determination to buy me back. My mind went from wise-men bearing gifts to Roman guards bearing whips, from a star bright and high in the sky to the sky being completely darkened in God's sadness. It went from gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to gifts of forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life. This year I went beyond Bethlehem all the way to Golgotha. My gift this year was reflections of my God's love for me. He started in a manger, it is true, but it doesn't end there. He died on a cruel cross. He denied death its finality and rose up in order to bring ME home. I will never again see the nativity and be able to stop there. I must go from the manger to the cross. It was the Baby's destiny. It was His goal. I was His goal. No greater gift could have ever been given to me this year or any other. In the middle of iPods, laptops, gift cards, x-box's, clothes, and all the gifts going around, I got the best gift I ever have. I received the blessing of not being pulled too deeply into the "stuff" of the season, instead I was pointed to the real meaning of Christ and His purpose in being born. Born to die. He was born as a tiny baby to bring me back home with Him. He was born to endure the nails-- the spikes of death in order to wash me clean and live with me forever and ever.

What a beautiful Christmas season. What a gift I received. Thank you God, for the new perspective. Thank you for the gift of being so broke that I could see the things that are normally unseen. Christmas time on this earth is a great time. It is a time of food, family, friends, toys (for both young and old) and frivolity. Spiritually, it is a completely different thing. A time of reflection not on things, not on malls, not on the latest high-tech gadget for us or for our children. It is about something much more significant and spiritual--something deep and profound--something ETERNAL. Thank you God for the gift of the nails. Who would have thought that big, rusty, piercing spikes would be the most beautiful gift I received this year (or ever)? Thank you my God, my Savior!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Perfectionism--Tool of the Enemy

Perfectionism. It can be a plague. It can completely take over rational people. It can transform a speed-bump into a full blown mountain peak. There are many segments of my life where I fight perfectionism. I fight against it because it is not healthy. In the past it has turned me into an extreme "over-analyzer". I try very hard to not be that way anymore. I allow myself to be "real" instead of perfect. Oh, and by the way, perfect does not exist on this earth. Those of us who bang our heads against that rock, in various areas of our lives, are doing so foolishly and needlessly.

I won't drag you through all the pieces of my life that have been infiltrated with perfectionism in the past or even currently. There is just not that much time. I do want you to understand that in most cases I have defeated it. In some cases, I have not. I do work on it daily which helps to keep me peaceful.

Perfection cannot be achieved by anyone in anything we do. It simply cannot be attained. Ones who think that it can be are merely fooling themselves. I think that striving to be perfect is an incredibly effective tool of the enemy. He puts that notion within us. We convince ourselves it is a noble goal. I can tell you that it is NOT. Excellence is a noble and worthwhile goal. Perfection is only of God. We cannot achieve it. We only torture ourselves and those around us when we succumb to its lure.

There are many things I do well. There are just as many things that I do not do well. I tend to have animosity for the second group. Why? I am only human. I have my share of gifts and talents just like all of God's children. I shy away from the things in which I show no natural talent and I anguish over perfecting the things in which I do show talent. On the surface that doesn't seem so bad. However, both can be limiting my growth and my spectrum of life-enjoyment.

I have scoured over my writing in the past like a mad-woman. I would continuously change this and that--adding a little something here and removing a little something there. I have endlessly fussed over avoiding cliche phrases and dangling participles. In fact, in my high school and college writings, I did this to the detriment of the content of my writing. I was never happy with it. It would end up butchered and void of it's initial impact and power. I would write paper after paper. I would change them and modify them. I would throw them away and start all over-endlessly. It was torturous. I did this in search of perfection. How silly. I do not do this anymore. I leave the content ALONE. I leave the key ideas and points of impact as they initially came to me. Back then, I was so adamant about leaving things alone that I became somewhat sloppy with the details, which are still crucial to good and effective writing. The things like proper punctuation, grammar, sentence structure and such, became tedious and bothersome minutia not to be addressed because I didn't want to restart the scouring tendency I once had. It was a fear of dragging that perfectionistic mentality back into my writing. Alas, that was a silly notion as well.

If I am going to be a well-rounded and successful writer I need to learn the art of leaving the content and the powerful message alone while still being able to polish the minor details. I am working on this skill. I know the rules of the English language well. I excelled in them while in school. Unfortunately, I have ignored them for many years and it is taking discipline in order to restore them to my repertoire. I now aim for excellence, not perfection.

In contrast to the things I have been given talent in, there are many things which I do not display talent. I instinctively back away from such things as quickly as I can. This is yet another silly weakness. Why do we limit ourselves so? Why not simply admit to ourselves that we are not great at this or that, but will enjoy it despite not being great at it? For example, I am not at all talented vocally. Singing is something I love. My ears however do not hold the same love for my singing as my heart does. So I shy away from it. I don't want to be ridiculed. I don't want people to hear me and have their ears begin to bleed. OK, it's not that bad, but it is something in which I just don't have much talent. Around others, I used to sing incredibly quietly, if at all. (I have always sang at the top of my lungs in the car. Now, I have a regular passenger but the she doesn't know how off-key I am. She loves it all the same.) My voice may not sound like the angels' to me, but I know that to my God--it does. I should never quiet my voice when it comes to singing His praises. In the past I have. I have sung quietly in church when my heart wanted to sing out loud. What a shame. Perfectionism again, at its worst. Why should I care if anyone sitting next to me doesn't think it's beautiful? It's not for them anyway, it is for MY GOD. I don't do this anymore. I sing out. I give Him my all.

We all need to let go of our insecurities and excel at the things we are talented with and yet not over analyze them and brutalize ourselves trying to perfect them. We should also enjoy the many things in which we show little or no talent; and we should do so for the sake of enjoying life and praising our God. Life is entirely too short to limit ourselves or exhaust ourselves dealing with perfectionism. It is the tool of the enemy. It is born out of insecurity. Don't let it bind you. Rip it from your soul and cast it into the fire from which it came from. Unleash yourself. Be bold enough to be imperfect. Sing out loud. Sing to the heavens, out-of-tune or not! Write from your heart, polish it up, and bless the world with your words. Don't kill it with perfectionism.

Take these words and apply them to your life. Blend them in with your talents and insecurities. Free your soul to soar!

Only God is perfect. Be you. Be real. Bless the world with the gift of YOU.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Painful Truth--A Blessing in Disguise.

I need to take a moment to thank a friend. I have a friend who is bold, but may not realize it. This friend cared enough to speak the truth. They risked hurting my feelings in an effort to truly help me. I think that is usually when the truth needs to be revealed the most. That is also when it is the hardest for most to say and the hardest for most to hear. The old saying "the truth hurts" can be so very true. I think most people would agree. Sometimes the truth, as painful as it might be, is just what the doctor ordered. My friend, you know who you are, I sincerely thank you. First-for your continued encouragement, second-for your honesty, and third-for the risk you took.

It really can be risky for a friend to tell the whole truth. It can be difficult to determine how receptive the other person can or will be to what they hear. Sometimes in unfortunate cases, the truth can hurt so deeply that the receiver cannot deal with the sting. It can damage some friendships. I believe this is usually because of pride. We all know what the Bible says about pride--it precludes destruction. True friends can speak the truth knowing it may sting. The great thing is that with good friendships the sting will fade in the knowledge that it came from love.

I took to heart the truth my friend spoke to me. I analyzed it. I broke it down. I came to the realization that they were correct in what they observed. It opened my eyes to things I hadn't taken the time or effort to fully consider. I think that I will be quite pleased with the changes I make in response to what my friend said to me. I will be honest with you, it was hard for me to hear. It was very difficult to put down my reasons, my excuses, my defenses and be open to a different viewpoint. It is often very hard to make ourselves vulnerable to critique. I think that is completely normal but is not usually very productive. One thing I learned from this little experience is that hearing someone else's concern, knowing it comes from love, can change things--big things. I believe that since I was able to set aside my pride and my viewpoint, that something very important to me will become better and much improved. What a beautiful thing!

I want to thank you, my friend, for reaching out and taking a risk in order to truly help another person. Boldness is a rare find these days. My hat is off to you. I hope you see improvement and change in what you brought to my attention. I can't thank you enough for speaking the truth in love. Sounds awfully biblical! I love it. Thank you again.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dare to Share His love....

I've been a little quiet lately. I know that the Holy Spirit who resides within me is always poking, prodding, and urging me. It inspires me to say what needs to be said and what needs to be heard. I have allowed many people to poke holes in my resolve . However, I believe that what I write is not of me but is inspired by the love of God, His Word, and His way.

Therefore, I want to proclaim my love for God. He loved me so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for all of the horrible things I have done in my life. He also did the same for each and every one of you. He sent Him so that sin would no longer separate us from Him. He couldn't bear to be separated from me...or from you. Who among us could be so bold to say we'd do the same for anyone else? I wouldn't sacrifice my precious child for anyone. I certainly wouldn't do it for people who scoff at me, deny me, betray me, continuously hurt me. I know I could never do that. I couldn't even give her for someone who loved me and treated me well. God did. He did it for you. He did it for me. He did it for the killer sitting on death row. He did it for all of us, no exceptions.

When His Word, His Love, His Precepts inspire me to write something, I will write it. I will no longer question how it will be perceived, who will take offense, who will love it, and who will hate it. He deserves my all. He deserves nothing less than for me to be His faithful servant using the talents and gifts He's given to me. I must continue to utilize the gift of the Holy Spirit who daily inspires me to write. I will use those talents and gifts to the very best of my ability. I will speak to all who will hear. I will shout from the mountain tops. No one will dampen my fire.

God deserves my best. He deserves yours as well. Anything less than our very best is an excuse. He sacrificed His all for me. He did the same for all of you. I will speak of Him, His love, and His truth ALWAYS. He is my reason for life, love, hope, and salvation. I will not allow anyone to knowingly or unknowingly slow me down in sharing His love, His forgiveness, His Glory, and His eternity. His message is what I am called to share.

I thank all of you who encourage me to write, to speak up, and to share. I pray that something--anything I write or say inspired by the Holy Spirit touches one life, one soul, one searching or hurting or seeking person. That is my calling. I will not give up. I will not fade. I will not falter. He deserves my all. He gave His all for me. I can give nothing less in return!

Monday, December 4, 2006

What's your "Gracyn"?

I ran across a box of old photos today. This particular one made me laugh out loud. Are we slaves to eras or what? The shades, the shoulder pads, the branded jeans, the bangs, etc...nothing less than typical for that time frame. Makes me laugh, makes me want that figure back! Makes me want those bangs to stay dead and buried in old boxes of photos, never to resurface!

It's a pretty cool thing to look back in time. To reflect on where you once were, where you've been since that time, and where you are now. WOW, how much road I've traveled since that picture!

In that picture, I was leaving the house of my best friend at that time. Years later, I married him. We divorced 8 years later. I met someone else after that and lived through a tough life for another few years. That relationship imploded and I left it a mom-to-be. Then I moved on made new friends, rekindled strong relationships with my family, and most importantly came back to my God. Whew! What a whirlwind of events since that picture was taken. You could have NEVER convinced that girl in the picture that ANY of that stuff would've happened that way. NEVER!!!! She would've thought you were completely insane. But one wrong step, one wrong decision can take you places you never imagined you'd go and never wanted to go or planned to go.

The cool thing is...deep down that sweet, innocent, hopeful young woman is still alive and well inside of me. We can recover from our pasts. We can come running back home to God. No matter how big your mistakes are, they are never too big for God. The little things you struggle with or can't seem to manage by yourself consistently; they are never too small for God either.

God blessed me in countless ways and even used some of the nightmare to pull me back out of the cesspool my life had become. Nothing is too big or too small for Him. His grace is sufficient. His grace can flood your life. It began as a little peanut in my belly, later appropriately named Gracyn. Look for him in your BIG monster struggles as well as in your little itty bitty struggles, frustrations, and distractions. He will provide help, a way out, whatever you need, HE WILL throw you a life-line. You have to be looking for it. Mine was Gracyn. What's yours? What will yours be? He will throw them out to you throughout your whole life in your various stages, mistakes, and struggles. Look for them. Watch for your next "Gracyn". I am always looking for mine in my current challenges. They are there, but we have to be seeking them and always watching for Him. Trust Him and you'll be amazed at what He will do in your life, I am still amazed each and every day.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Crazy Nuts--All of YOU!

Brrrr! It's cold out! I don't get to say that too often living in here in the south. I am sure that to some people...this "ain't cold"! However, to me it is. I've realized over the years that I am not too terribly fond of cold weather. I am not saying I like HOT weather, because I don't just purr in the heat of a southern summer either. But there's just something about cold that BITES. I don't mean that in the slang sense "Oh man, that BITES...", but in the sense that there is a sting or bite, if you will, to cold weather for me. Cold is painful to me. Makes my hands hurts, makes me shiver, makes my nose red and runny, stings my lungs, the list of things goes on and on. I am really not a fan of any of those things to be honest. When it's hot, yeah it's uncomfortable, as is cold, but it doesn't make me hurt, or sniffly or stiff, or sick.... The thing of it is--I love this time of year...not speaking of the weather, but the holidays, family, friends, food, etc... If it could only dip down to 50 degrees and that be it...I'd be thrilled. I do like to watch the occasional snow fall, but I have no desire to be out there "in it". Watching from a warm and snugly blanket at the window sipping hot chocolate, is the way I enjoy a good snowfall. One of the reasons I've not gone on the many ski trips to which I have been invited--the cold and wet and snow...I just can't stand it. In fact, I think that I would enjoy skiing, as I enjoy almost every outdoor activity I've ever tried. But alas, I despise cold. Maybe it is because I've grown up here in the land of heat. Maybe that has nothing to do with it. Perhaps my displeasure with cold is just part of who I am.

That's the great thing about people; we are all so different! My dear friend Amy wrote a blog about missing the winters up north where she grew up. As she described it in such colorful detail, I was sad for her because she missed it so. However, it sounded just horrible and miserable to me. Funny, isn't it? Something she so dearly misses, sounded completely miserable from my perspective. I think that's great. How boring would it be if we were all the same?!

Seasonal preferences etc...are just the tip of a monstrously HUGE iceberg. Our lives are so much more interesting and colorful because of the little things that makes us all so different, unique, and interesting. Give thanks for the colors in your life--the things that make you YOU and make your friends and family the crazy nuts that they all are! God designed each and every one of us special and completely different than anyone else on the planet! I am so glad he did! The multitude of little intricacies in each of us are the things that make me appreciate my family and friends so very very much, each and every one of them, each in their own unique way!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

My daughter changed everything...especially God.

What's God like? In your mind, what's He like? His love for me had been hard for me to understand over the years...until I had my daughter. Many times I look at her and wonder is there any greater love in existence than I have for this little girl? How could anyone love anyone more than I love her? THERE'S JUST NO WAY! But that's not true, God does. God loves me more than I love her. It amazes me that is even possible. If I look at God through the eyes of a parent, it all seems SO clear. I want what's best for her...even if she doesn't understand it or even like it. God feels the same about me. When she wants to climb up on something too tall and totally unstable I won't let her. The displeasure she feels from that can be heard several streets over. As a child of God, I've felt that way too; not getting my way, not being "allowed" to do things that I want to do is downright frustrating. It's so hard to understand sometimes. Why won't He just give me that one thing I "think" I want so much? Why doesn't He do what I ask Him to do? Why can't I do this or that...doesn't He know how happy it would make me? Ha ha ha!! That sounds so much like a child who doesn't have the understanding that a parent does. How did we as adults get so arrogant that we think we know it all? Why do we think we know what is best for us all the time? How is that any different then how our little children must feel? I know my daughter doesn't understand why I take things away from her that I know are dangerous or not good for her to have. I don't give her what she wants when it isn't right, just so she won't throw a fit. She will throw a fit, especially at this age, but she will be safe and better off when I stand my ground. We throw our own little fits too. Sometimes we are downright defiant too. Sometimes trying to fool ourselves that we know best. But we don't. God knows best. His rules, His time, His gifts, His saying "NO", is in our best interest...PERIOD. Just like the way a good parent parents. It is simple. Children do not always understand why we do what we do, most times they don't. Why do we think we are any different as His children (grown up or not)? He knows things we don't. He understands things we don't. He can foresee things we can't. He wants the best for us pure and simple. Nothing at all different than we do as parents to our children. It is a perfect parallel! I have learned so much about the heart of God from having my daughter in my life. I can't always let her have her way because I know her way can sometimes be dangerous, harmful, etc... He's the exact same way! I know things she simply does not. I understand things that she simply cannot. He's the exact same way!

So rest assured that you are in God's hands. If you follow His guidelines and live your life in a way that does not go against what He has set out for us in His Word, then you can know without a doubt you are doing what it is your very best interest...even if you don't understand it, agree with it, or sometimes even like it. But in my experience, the more you live this way, the more you appreciate what you are protected from and the happier your life will become. It works. It is simple. It is the same that happens in our children's lives when we hold them to the things that are in their best interest.

Allow God to be the parent you need (even though you are a grown up now). Use that mindset to live in a place that you are safest and happiest. (Wouldn't it be great if we could help OUR children to "get" that???)---God probably thinks the same thing! LOL.


Sometimes I wonder if my writing is perceived shall I put it...harsh. Yeah, I'll go with "harsh" for lack of a better word. I have my reasons for wondering this which I'll keep to myself, but it's mostly a hunch. Don't get me wrong--I personally don't think they are too harsh. I have tried my best to be honest, to be blunt when I deem it is necessary, and to be biblically-based. However what I don't worry too much about it stepping on toes. Sound mean? It shouldn't. Jesus stepped on toes all the time. He did. Get out the Book. Check it out.

What I've learned in my life, (which is generally what I go by...) is that when my toes get stepped on...I needed it. Of course it's never easy to admit that at the time our toes are stepped on. It's not for me and I doubt it is for you either. However, I internally grow the most when I am questioned, challenged, have my toes stepped on, etc... Let me get one thing straight though--I do not spend much time contemplating, reviewing, or even entertaining thoughts of reflection if someone "tried" to step on my toes IF the stepper wasn't trying to help me, or was not doing so in the spirit of love, or with Biblical backup. BUT...if they are armed with any or all of those things, then that's a different story. If those things are there, then I do my very best to listen up, take note, and make adjustments. I hope that anyone reading a "hard-hitting" blog of mine does the same and hopefully knows I only speak out of love, concern, and do my very best to be love-motivated and biblically-based...even if it hits right between the eyes. (That's just a bonus...and we all need it sometimes!)

Thank you, drive-thru!

Monday, November 27, 2006

God-Vision Goggles

The series that has been going on at my church over the past few weeks has been phenomenal! As most people who truly know me well know that I don't feel that there is enough evangelism being taught, encouraged, and focused on in churches today. I feel sure I got that notion from my dad. Those of you who know him will probably wholeheartedly agree with that statement. However, the series Ed Young is currently doing at Fellowship church has hit the bulls eye in my opinion. He said something that really said it all--"Whose FOREVER are you changing?" It is so easy to just float along in life working, raising children, maintaining relationships, dealing with families and friends, attending children's events and practices, etc..that our REAL purpose in this life gets pushed aside far too often. If our hope and salvation means as much to us as it should, it should radiate from us. It should, as Ed said, spill out all over everywhere. We shouldn't be able to contain it. That doesn't mean we are to be in people's faces with it. Doesn't mean we should be Bible thumpers. It means that when others look at us they should see LIGHT. They should see it in our lives, in all that we do. There should be something so obviously different that it sticks out. It stands out. It should never go unnoticed. Whether it is the exceptional kindness we show to the not-so-great waiter/waitress at Chili's or the new neighbor that we make an effort to warmly meet and greet. The big things in life and the small things should radiate our happiness and hope in Christ and our enthusiasm to share that with EVERYONE. Who should be excluded from our outreach? Hmmm? Should we snub the rude woman who clearly stepped in front of us in the Starbucks line? Or should it be the girl your friend knows whose sexuality is NOT in-line with God stated it should be? Ooooh, how about the person who damaged your life in such a way that you never thought you'd heal? (Like the spouse who committed adultery and left you?) Each and every person walking around coming in and out of our lives or just the guy begging for money at intersection traffic light, are all souls. They are ALL souls that God dearly loves and Jesus died to save. Not one of us has been put in a position to decide who deserves our kindness and our outreach and who doesn't. God can change the heart of a murderer. God can change the heart of the women who turned to homosexuality after being deeply wounded by her philandering husband. God can change the unforgiving daughter of a incestuous father AND change the father as well. Things that no one thinks can ever be forgiven or healed--God can change. I've seen it. I've read about it. I've watched it. I have LIVED it. So we are to reach out and touch everyone, no matter what their place in life. We are not to decide who and what situations are worthy of sharing the Good News! We are to live it and share it with everyone! No picking and choosing. No deciding this situation is more "comfortable" than that one. Every human being on this planet is a soul that God loves. We should see people through God's eyes...NOT OURS! Ours are jaded, judgemental, prejudiced, and close-minded. Let's put on our "God-Vision Goggles" and just see all others as precious souls. Struggling, lost, souls! Wherever they are in life, whatever their sin..share with them the hope and salvation YOU have. Don't hide it. Don't decide they aren't worthy of it. God thinks they are. See each and every human being as a soul God loves. It will change everything you do. It will change how you live, how you interact, how you behave, and how you share Christ in our lost lost world. Soften your heart. Recognize your internal prejudices. They are there for all of us...Get rid of them and touch a soul. Share Christ with everyone through the Light that shines and radiates from within you. Christ lives in us and we should let Him spill out all over everywhere all over everyone. Change someone's forever! Start today. Whose forever are YOU changing? Stop looking through YOUR eyes, and look through God's. Put on your "God-Vision Goggles" and change the world!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

More Than Conquerors!

Something has been on my mind for a while now. "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." Romans 8:37. There are some people who are Christ-followers but do not have this mindset. This verse does not say we are victims. It doesn't say we are doomed. It doesn't say that we are whiners or losers. It says that we are not just conquerors but MORE than conquerors! Why choose to be the perpetual victim? We've all run across these people, even among Christ-followers. The ones who always seem to be beaten, downtrodden, those who think it is just their cross to bear for everything unfortunate to happen "to them". RUBBISH, in my opinion. I think so much of what goes on in our lives is DIRECTLY related to our thoughts, actions, and what is in our hearts. We are not just sitting ducks waiting to be blown away by the lurking hunter. If we were simply sitting ducks...then Romans 8:37 would be a lie. So what's the disconnect? Where do the wheels come off for those of us who have read and fully understand Romans 8:37 and yet seem to always have so much misfortune happening in our lives? How can that possibly happen? The truth is that there are some people whose identities have become tied directly to their "victim" mindset. God does not want for it to ever be that way for His children. However, when someone gets attention and handouts and pity over and over and over, they end up using others for their support instead of holding themselves up through the power God gives us. In their mind it seems "easier". The reality of it is though that they are not living life the way God designed for them. I can say with complete assurance that God does not ever design someones life to be a sad, downtrodden, whining, victim. So how do we help those we care for in these types of struggle? Do they even want to be helped? That's one thing we have to know for sure. Because God will help those who truly want to be helped. We need to be aware that there are those that do no want to be helped (even though they may say that they do). Sounds bizarre, but there are those that use their struggles, afflictions, whatever problems they have in their lives for attention, or to use as a crutch so they can't be or won't be held accountable. There are a myriad of reasons why some people deep down inside don't want to be healed or are scared to be healed. If they are healed, they might actually have to walk on their own, without the crutch, without the excuse, without the attention. That can be hard to give up. It seems easier to live without going through what it takes to get better, to live better, to be stronger. We have to wait on those folks. We have to be kind but not enabling. That's hard to do as a caring, concerned, Christian. We want to help. We want to sympathize. We want to help. However, we cannot help those who don't truly want it, and won't work to get it. God doesn't flip switches either. He doesn't just change things if we aren't willing to participate. He doesn't bring those things in to us on a silver platter, as we sit on our rumps waiting on Him. He does not work that way and it is insulting to Him, I believe, to treat Him that way. "Oh Lord, help me, but don't expect ME to actually get off my rear end and participate, I just want you to bring it to me on that silver platter." I know that would insult me and I imagine it does God too. So, that leaves us, only providing assistance and help and encouragement to those who truly want it, seek it, and work hard for it, trusting that God will provide the resources necessary to pull us out of our afflictions whatever they might be...but He won't do it like a genie granting a wish. I am asking everyone to stop enabling the victims and whiners in our world. You are not helping them at all, in fact you are providing a disservice to them, by making it easier and more comfortable to stay where they are. Be kind, be a friend, be stern if you need to, but do not feed their need to play the victim anymore! If you find one of those who truly want to be changed, healed, renewed; use every resource you have. I believe you will have more than you ever dreamed because in those cases, I know God will provide!!! I know there was a reason that Jesus asked the man by the pool in John Chapter 5 if He wanted to be healed. Seems like a strange question if you really stop and think about it. But, sometimes we all need to ask, "Do you want to be healed?" and not only listen, but watch for the answer! If you find they do...give it your all. If they don't, don't waste your time , energy, resources in a futile battle. Your resources and God's resources are much better spent on those who truly want to be healed! It is our job to use discernment. That is biblical. Use it. Be God's hands, legs, arms, feet here on earth, but do so wisely. Do not waste them. Pray for change in the others. Encourage them to stand up, to work hard, to get of out the comfort zone and GROW in the Lord. When they are ready to do so, then and only then...get in there with them, dig in hard, and watch what God can do in their lives. None of us, who are in Christ, should be victims, whiners, etc... anymore! "No, in all these things we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS though Him who loved us!" Read it, understand it, believe it, and most importantly--LIVE IT!!!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Accelerant Scoffing

Have you ever had something said about you that was just completely wrong, inaccurate, simply not true? Was it ever said because someone had misjudged you or obviously didn't know you well? Moreover, have you ever done things in your life that you weren't proud of, things that were displeasing to God, and then repented of those things and changed your life--and only to have people who didn't believe in your transformation, perhaps even scoffed at it? This scenario occurred in my life just this week.
When I heard that my life-change and my goal of ministry was questioned and even scoffed at, my initial feeling was that of frustration. However, that was mostly, what I call a "knee-jerk" reaction; you know, that occurrence when the doc taps your knee with the little rubber hammer-thingy and your leg kicks as a reflex. That knee-jerk reflex is automatic, not caused my purposeful thought; and so was my initial frustrated feeling about this situation. It only took me a second or two to fight off that reflex and think the situation through. I realized/learned a few things in that moment of reflection that I'd like to share with you.
First, if you ever find yourself being misjudged or having someone not "buy into" a Christ-based transformation in your life, consider the source and viewpoint of the person with disbelief. In my case, this person only knew me in a time in my life when I had turned away from God, (my turning was not with purposeful intention to do so, I simply and quietly allowed myself to be led away by the enemy--Satan). This person only saw the sin and shame that was going on in my life at that time. They never knew the person I was before that point (brought up in a warm, caring Christian environment), and they don't know me today (as a fully transformed, forgiven, and cleansed follower of Christ). So with that limited view and understanding of ME, I can fully understand why a person, only having witnessed my life of sin would scoff at my new life and walk in Christ.
Second, I also know that this person has probably never had first-hand experience with the complete life-transforming power of my God. I also don't believe they've even seen it second-hand. This realization led me to another level of understanding as to why my new life is so unbelievable to them. It's foreign, it doesn't happen in the world this person currently walks in.
So I had to take their view, their lack of any experience, their pinpointed view of a small period in my life, and allow them to feel that way without my disdain or frustration, knowing that it was a completely understandable viewpoint, from where they were standing. But the biggest thing I realized is that my life now and going forward could be their first viewing of the power God has to change and transform lives. What an opportunity I have! The chance to be a living, breathing example of how God can take a miserable, hurting, very sinful soul, and through the blood on His Son, cleanse, renew, and transform it into something beautiful, alive, and NEW. This person may never see this anywhere else in such a powerful way. I have a responsibility here to keep fighting, to keep growing, and shining in a dark world. We never know who is watching, who may be waiting for us to fall, for the transformation to fail, so that they can say, "See, I was right about her and this God-thing, this Jesus-thing, this church-thing, all along". We are never to fail them that way! No I will never be perfect, but I also know I will never turn back to that life again. I know I have the strength of the God of the Universe in my corner. The power can be used to show Light in this dark world, and instead of them saying "See, I was right about her," maybe instead they'll say, "Wow! I want that! I never thought she could be changed. I want that for my life!" It may or may not happen for this person, only time will tell. All I know is that this person's initial scoff really fueled my fire to shine even brighter and stronger. I pray that my ongoing, unchanging example of what God can and will do with a willing spirit will be witnessed by all! I am fired up at the opportunity to be a very powerful and REAL-LIFE story/witness for my God and His Son who made it possible!
You have the same opportunity. Live your life and shine as bright as you can. People are watching and deeply wanting something better than who and where they are today. SHINE! SHINE! SHINE!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Jesus -- Manly Man!

Why is it that most "manly men" don't/won't go to church? If they do, they go begrudgingly...Why??? I believe that many good, Christian, single women struggle with wanting a manly kind of guy that also strives to have the heart of Christ. HARD to find. MOST women that I know, like a manly kind of guy. I am talking about the strong, capable, masculine men, never the weenie-boy cowering in the corner that couldn't change his own tire to save his life. But in most traditional churches today, you don't find many of those strong, speak-up, stand-up for what they believe in, do-it-themselves kind of men, that lots and lots of women swoon over. Why is that? I think that most of the men that those kind of manly-men think are in church are weak, probably dragged to church by their wives, and don't have an drop of testosterone left in their bodies. The problem is we aren't nearly as aware of what kind of MAN Jesus actually was. Yes, He was Baby Jesus meek and mild. But He's also the man that hand-made a whip and tore through the temple, turning over tables, and running everyone out. I doubt a little weenie-man could/would do that...and certainly not without getting his butt whooped! He's also the man who went to fishermen (you know that most fishermen, especially in those days weren't sissy boys) and said "Come, follow me" and THEY DID. Why? Do you think it was magic? Do you think if it was just some mild-mannered, soft-spoken, wussy-boy, they would've stopped what they were doing and followed Him? I don't think so. I think they would have laughed and made fun of Him, BUT they didn't. They followed Him! He must've have been someone that spoke and acted with power and authority. Think about it. Not someone who pulls his head in like a turtle when he's crossed or when things get sticky or uncomfortable! NO...He's strong and bold, outspoken and a leader. I don't know many men like that in our churches today. I could list the few that I personally know on one hand AND not use all of my fingers. I am not saying that to be a man like Jesus, you have to be big, physically strong, able to command fishermen...etc, but definitely someone who stands up, stands out, gets involved, reaches out and doesn't cower when it comes to sharing faith and fighting hard against Satan. Someone who will always speak up when they KNOW something is wrong. Someone who will not cower when God calls them to break out of their comfort zone. Someone who trusts God to provide the strength needed to be Christ-like, to be like the manly-man that Jesus truly was. Strong. Capable. Bold. Inspiring and leading. Never ever cowering in the face of wrong but always standing up and being a MAN....GOD'S MAN. I wish more men understood THAT is what Jesus was truly like...yes, He was gentle and kind and compassionate, but that's exactly my point. Men don't have to be one or the other, they can and should strive to be both. That is what I think the illustration of God's man looks like. The same dude that said "Let the little children come unto me," and also kicked booty in the temple with his hand-made whip. I know I would've swooned!

Fire Squelcher!

Have you ever been "set on fire" by a lesson or sermon (or whatever you want to call them), that you heard at church? Maybe you left the church building with ideas, thoughts, steps you were going to take to put what you heard or were inspired by into action... Maybe you were filled with excitement and resolve to do something different...Maybe you had a new desire to take some new action in your life...Or maybe you had a rekindled desire. Have you ever looked up days later only to realize that your daily life and happenings squelched that fire you felt? Have you ever had that happen to you? Well, I have. Many times in my life, I've sat in a seat, pew, or whatever and made internal plans, resolves, etc...only to have them fade into nearly nothing as the days pass. In fact, I experienced that this very week, and it is so frustrating. Even though I called the problem "daily life and happenings" that blew out the flame, in my heart I know who was ultimately behind it...SATAN?!?!?!?!!!!!! (Said in the "church-lady" voice...) I know this to be true and it just IRKS me. Even though he can work in such blatant obvious ways and in the most cruel and vicious ways, what is scarier is the way he works in such subltety and obscurity that you don't even know what happened. In fact most of the time it happens so seemlessly and quietly that we never even realize that it even happened. Usually there isn't even a time of reflection (that I am having right now) where you've realized that Saturday you were on fire about something and today (Thursday) it's gone. It somehow just fades somewhere into the night and you don't ever even realize it happened. FORTUNATELY in this instance, I have this Thursday-lunchtime-realization of what happened and so I know his plan was not a complete success. There is hope for me to rekindle the fire that was lit Saturday night. I had some definite ideas and plans of action to take after that lesson, that got lost for a few days...but HA HA Satan, they WERE NOT LOST FOREVER!! I pray to become more immediatley proactive with my determination to take certain steps or actions after being moved by the Holy Spirit (which is what I believe gives you that nudge or that fire when hearing a lesson or sermon or is the HS that gives you that "feeling"). We all need to stop waiting, stop procrastinating about things we know are important, maybe even crucial. When you feel that nudge, know it is of God, through His Holy Spirit, because if you let it sit too long you are inviting Satan to come in and poof out the flame. He won't waste anytime in doing so either. He's just lurking, waiting for a fire to be lit, and for that fire to go unguarded, so he can pounce over and poof it out...lots of times with just a whisper! BEWARE and be FOREWARNED! Act now, act immediately when you are nudged by God. Don't risk allowing the enemy win in a whisper.