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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ahhhh technology....

This blog page is experiencing technical difficulties. Until further notice you can find me HERE. Thanks for your understanding.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Part II of Cross-Dressed Sin

Part II of my previous post.

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly God works to open my eyes even wider when He puts something on my heart. I was reminded by Him yesterday during a devotional that the REAL issue when it comes to sin, is a condition of the heart (not that I didn't already know that...)It doesn't matter how many boundaries we put into place if we keep crossing them. I have boundaries that I just continue to cross in certain areas of my life. Some of my sins are not from lack of boundaries. The boundaries are there. I just simply cross them. (Am I the only one?) This is an issue of the heart. Being prepared, watchful, with boundaries in place will not keep us from sin, if the issue lies within the heart.

We cannot simply blame Satan for everything either. None of us can. While he is all about our destruction, we alone are responsible for ourselves. When we sin, sadly it is because it is in our human nature to do so. In certain areas of my life, I need to fervently call on God for a change in my own heart. It is a heart problem. One more boundary won't solve the real problem. Granted, boundaries have their place, they help us while God is working in our hearts. But placing more boundaries up without calling on the Lord to change our hearts is futile/foolish. I KNOW this full well.

So yes, we need be ever watchful of sins disguised by Satan. We need to place boundaries where they are needed and be mentally prepared for the battle. But MOSTLY we need to repent and call upon God to work on our hearts. This is where the deepest issues reside.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cross-Dressed Sin

We all have fallen into Satan's snares. His pleasure comes from our pain. But all of God's instructions in the Bible are protective. For example, God hates divorce. Satan loves it. What is the common denominator? Pain. Satan wants us pain-filled. God wants to protect us. God doesn't want us sleeping-around. Why? Here comes the pain concept again: Disease. Unplanned pregnancies. Broken hearts. Degradation. And more... God doesn't want us to lie. Why? It brings about pain in a myriad of ways...sooner or later. Worry (yes it is a sin) brings pain and discomfort in ways you may not even be able to recognize in your own life. Worry is a rampant sin, bringing undue pain to millions daily. I could write volumes about the things God tells us to avoid, why they bring us pain, and I could illustrate that pain is a KEY factor in why God tells us to not do these things.

A friend of mine and I were talking about this concept yesterday. It seems simple. By not being obedient to God, we invite pain into our lives with wide open arms. In contrast, when we are obedient to God, the pain levels drastically decrease and the joy levels skyrocket. This is not quantum physics. It is simple. Yet, we all struggle with sin. Even if we've lost a few brain cells over the years, the concept is still quite elementary. SIN=PAIN.

Satan is at the center of the dilemma. He dresses sin up and tries to deceive us by its appearance, hoping we won't recognize it in its disguise. Here is an example: For some, he re-packages sex to look like love. Those desperate for love are most susceptible to this deception. He cross-dresses adultery and makes it look like relief (from a miserable marriage). He dresses up alcohol or drugs as an escape from real-life or an enhancement to a good time. He takes anything dangerous to us and dresses it up like something else. He knows that its real purpose is not what the advertising suggests. The results are all the same--pain. It doesn't matter what the scenario is, sin (in any of its forms) brings pain. Sometimes the pain is not immediate, sometimes it is. Either way, the pain WILL come.

We know that Satan uses what we most desire to lure us into sin. That's where we have to be discerning. We need to look more closely at the things that come into our lives appearing to be what we desire. We must be proactive and look under the packaging to see if it is the real deal or Satan's repackaged sin. To be most successful in this process, we must be acutely aware of what areas in our lives are most susceptible. We can lazily take a quick moment and mentally list our problem areas. Or we can write them down and daily review what events, conversations, thoughts etc...need to be monitored more closely. If we feel that we are coming close to one of Satan's cross-dressed sins, we can take appropriate measures and/or put appropriate boundaries into place before we blindly embrace it.

There is enough unavoidable pain in this life. We don't want to be inviting more into our lives by falling victim to those nasty cross-dressed sins.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Art Appreciation

Read Psalm 139: 1-16

Who are you? Sounds like such a simple question. Most people spend their entire life struggling to figure out who they really are. As a follower of Christ you don’t have to wonder. You only need to go to the source—God. He knows not only who you are but who He designed you to be. You do not need to search in your place of work, in your family, in your significant other; in your wardrobe, or anywhere else. The world can cloud your vision. Your view can be warped. But God sees you in crystal clarity.

If you stand at a wall, facing an abstract painting, trying to understand it, who would you ask to help you understand? Would you ask the person who purchased it? The person who framed it? How about an art expert? Museum curator? Each of those individuals would certainly have insight, but the best possible person to ask would be the artist. It seems so obvious.

God knows who you are and sees you accurately because He is the artist. He is the creator. When you are questioning the artwork in yourself, go to the source. He is the ONLY one who really knows, that is why it is so important to seek the answers from Him.

Many outside sources try to dish out our identities. They try to tell us who we are, what we have or don’t have, and what we could be if only we would buy this or change that. But only the creator of the art truly knows the creation. When you are questioning...go to the creator of the artwork. Go to God. Stop no where else on the way.

What sources in your life try to define you or tell you who you are? Do they line up with what God says about you?

Who Determines Your Value?

We sometimes tie our value as a person with acceptance or approval that we receive from others. Sadly, often times, the world bases it’s acceptance and approval on performance, appearance, status, and other worldly things. This can lead to a very skewed self-concept. We wonder if our value will remain if we fall short in any way. If we base our value on other’s opinions and conditions, we will damage the way we see our own value when we fall short (and eventually, we will fall short). This keeps many of us on an emotional roller-coaster throughout our lives.

However, your value is constant. It is unchanging. It is set eternally. It was determined by the God of the universe. It is divine. It was proven when God sent His Son to die on the cross. He loved you so much that He couldn’t bear the idea of eternity without you. He made the ultimate sacrifice to be with you. This is the greatest love story. Yet this depth of love is hard to fathom. He knows you in the tiniest of detail. He knows all of your thoughts and actions. He knows all of your ways (Psalm 139:3). He sees what no one else sees. And yet, He loves you beyond all reason. His love is never based on any of the peripherals of this world. He loves you simply because you are His precious child and He’d do ANYTHING to show you His love. So He did. That is where your worth and your value were determined: on the cross. Once and for all, you have been deemed WORTHY. No outside factor can penetrate or change your value and worth to Him.

In what areas of life do you see yourself as lacking? Are your self-expectations based on the world’s standards or God’s? What steps can you take to realign your value with God’s viewpoint?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Watering Camels Changed Everything

Genesis chapter 24 tells the story of Rebekah. In it, Abraham’s servant was sent to find a wife for his son Isaac. When the servant finally reached Haran, a journey of approximately 400 miles, he stopped at a well prayed:

“Now let it be that the young woman to whom I say, ‘Please let down your pitcher that I may drink,’ and she says, ‘Drink, and I will also give your camels a drink’---let her be the one You have appointed for Your servant Isaac. And by this I will know that You have shown your kindness to my master.” Gen 24:14

Before the servant had finished his prayer, Rebekah approached the well. She offered him water from her pitcher and also offered to water his camels. Camels that had completed such a journey could drink up to 20 or 30 gallons of water. Yet she made the offer and completed the task, which was quite an undertaking. The servant was then convinced that this woman was the answer to his prayer.

Rebekah trusted in God and went with the servant and became Isaac’s wife. They loved one another deeply. She found her role in God’s plan. This didn’t happen because of some center-stage gift or talent. She served water to camels. Who would have thought that such a lowly and laborious task would lead Rebekah to becoming the mother of Jacob? The Hebrew nation is spoken of as “the sons of Jacob” and the “children of Israel”. She became the mother of Jacob because of her lowly service many years before.

Do you ever feel that you don’t play a very significant role? Do you ever feel your skills or gifts are not special, or are perhaps even ordinary? Take heart, God can use everything we do in His service in divine ways. Whether you are singing praises on stage or sweeping the floors, God will bless your efforts. You may never know what impact your servant heart and actions may have; trust that God uses them in divine ways. A girl simply watering camels birthed a nation. Imagine what He can do through you if you are willing.

Today, ask God to bless what you do throughout your day, no matter how small it may seem to you. Trust that He can use any act of service to have a divine impact.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Intercessory Prayer

What is my request? Do I ask God to do what I want? Or do I ask for His will to be done? What is my request when someone asks for prayer for a sick loved one? Do I ask God to make them well? What if it is God's will for that person to go home to be with Him? Intercessory prayer is a concept with which I struggle at times. Above all, I want God's will to be done. What would be the point of asking for anything else? Perhaps more good could come from a battle with a person's health than if He simply healed them at the moment we asked? Only He knows and sees the divine possibilities.

I've prayed many intercessory prayers. Intercessory prayer is biblical. If it is important to others and I am asked to pray, I will pray. However, at the end of any intercessory prayer I will ask above all else that God's will be done.

I know God's mind can be changed. It happened in the Bible. It did. For that reason, I ask for many things that I am not certain if God wants or doesn't. Yet, in the end, I submit it all to God's will. That example came directly from Jesus. He asked the Heavenly Father not to have to endure the cross, but ultimately that God's will be done. I follow that model. I struggle with it sometimes. Struggling is not a problem; it is OK. Despite the occasional struggle with my own understanding, I follow my model: Christ.

"Therefore faith prays in such a manner that it commits everything to the gracious will of God; it lets [God] determine whether it is conducive to his honor and to our benefit." (Martin Luther, in a sermon on Matt. 8:1-13.)

Friday, August 8, 2008


At this point I haven't written a single word on my project. I am slammed with other tasks. HOWEVER, I am mentally doing prep-work on my writing assignment as I commute to and from the office. I have also worked on nailing down key scriptures to use foundationally. I suppose I will work on the actual writing this weekend, away from the office. I can't put it off for too long because my deadline is 14th. I love the content and topic of the assignment, so it should be fun as well as fulfilling. I am really looking forward to completing this project. I've really enjoyed it, even in just the fledgling stage of mental outlining.
I could get used to this! :)

Spiritual Gluttony?

"Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." John 4:35

Are you harvest-minded? Or are you focused on YOU? Do you understand why you are really here? Or are you just trying to get through your day? Are you looking for moments to reap? Or are you thinking about what you are going to have for lunch? As you go through the day are your thoughts primarily focused on yourself, YOUR wants, YOUR needs, YOUR schedule, YOUR family, YOUR significant other? How broad does your mind/heart really wander? Or does it simply swirl in a tight circle around yourself?

Jesus' focus was on the harvest/others. In the context surrounding the scripture above, the disciples were focused on their own needs. Most of us are like the disciples. We focus on ourselves instead of the reason we are truly here! We get lost in the peripherals of this life. It frustrated Jesus back then. I imagine that it still does now.

Are you a consumer or contributor? In the life of your church? In the lives of others in this world? Are you harvesting or are you just wondering when dinner will be served and if it will taste good to you? When I see Christians get most complacent and discontented with the local church is when they disconnect and become consumers as opposed to contributors. Does that sound harsh? We tend to neglect the eternal and focus on the details of this life. Ackkk. Drives me crazy. We need to get off of our butts and make an impact, stir things up, step up, serve others! Don't expect your spiritual nourishment to only come from the pulpit or stage from your pastor or minister. Take that on yourself. Be proactive. Not every sermon or lesson will feed YOU. Get over it and know that it is feeding someone...who probably needs it more than you. Crack open your Bible and devotionals ON YOUR OWN. Take responsibility for your own spiritual growth and feeding. It is not solely in the hands of pastors/preachers/bible school teachers. And so much of it happens when we serve others and get outside of ourselves!

Are you looking for ways to impact and contribute or are you a sideline commentator focusing on what YOU aren't getting? You will remain discontented. You will. We have to learn to get outside of ourselves. That is what we are called to. Harvesting. Sowing seeds, Reaping. Not binging at the spiritual dinner buffet wanting more and more as it slides down the side of our mouth and drops onto the floor. (YUCK!)

The fields are ripe for harvest. Do you see it? Are you harvesting or are you complaining about those who are? If so, get involved to impact where you see change needs to be made. Encourage and inspire others around you. Pray for your leaders and pastors instead of complaining about them. Spur others on in His service. See beyond yourself. The time for harvesting is here. The fields are ripe. Get in there and impact others. Don't wait for your church, your pastor, or whoever to light your fire. Step up, get involved, reach out beyond your seat in church. Focus on someone else. Focus on the mission--the harvest. Stop looking inward and start investing outward. The fields are ripe for harvest. Get out there and impact someone else!! Stop trying to gorge yourself at the table becoming discontented with each and every meal and start finding others to bring to the table who are spiritually starving. That's were true satisfaction and fulfillment will be found. Not in one more sideline complaint from another gorger about a lesson/sermon/series that didn't quite hit home for them. Pa-leeeease. Get out of your seat and DO SOMETHING. Go from glutton to giver.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Can you imagine what it would be like to be paid to do something you love? I don't mean something that you generally enjoy or something you aren't necessarily opposed to doing, but something you LOVE to do! What if your job was to do something you are wildly passionate about?! How great would that be?! When I was young I wanted there to be a "job" that would allow me to play with animals and get paid for it. No such job exists. As a veterinarian, you see animals that are hurt, sick, and some have to be euthanized. Not much fun. As a dog walker you have to leash up the dogs, go outside, even if it is hot/rainy/whatever and you actually have to walk the dogs. I couldn't find anyone who just wanted someone to come and play with animals. At the very least no one was willing to pay for it. At a young age I became jaded about "jobs". They were things you had to do in order to get your bills paid. Does anyone truly love doing what they do for a living? Could I ever have that?

I have had jobs that I enjoyed...for the most part. I have had jobs that I couldn't stand, but did them anyway because I needed the money. I have never been paid to do something that I LOVE doing. NEVER. I really like my job now. A LOT. I like the people I work with very much. I like the environment. I like the purpose of it. But I don't LOVE it. I don't love generating reports. I don't love organizing events. I don't love the computer work and paper work details. I like my job very much, but I do not love it. It is all about passion! I am wired with certain passions. We all are. I've not yet been paid to do something I am wildly passionate about. I know I am where I am today, career-wise for a reason. I have no doubt about that. I am waiting on God's perfect timing for the passion to be ignited in my current position. I feel the winds of change. I wait upon the Lord.

Today starts a whole new adventure. I get to do something that I LOVE, and get paid for it. I get to write. Where I work, there is a never-ending need for writing. MY kind of writing. Spiritual writing. I have been asked to contribute and write! I got my first assignment today and I am completely STOKED! It may not seem like a big deal to you, maybe it does. I don't know. But for is HUGE! I am so excited. I feel like a kid in a candy store.

I pray God speaks in the words that I will write. I pray that I don't get in His way. I am so thrilled to be able to use one of my passions in my job. THRILLED. Thanks for letting me share my excitement with you guys. Now, on to the project! I've got a deadline. :)