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Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Eyes. Rain puddles. Downtown architecture. Writings in the sand. Roses. Prayer garden. Sushi. Driving range. Fireworks. Starbucks. Sleepless naps. Crossword puzzle. Stuffed frog. Camping. Dinosaur. Kisses. Prayer box. Mayfest. Trust. Journal. Fasting. Smoothies. Church. Date Night. Escape. Laughter. Love. Chicken Noodle Soup. Water Gardens. Kincaid's. Bowling. Museum. Bucking Bronco. Hospital. Job interview. Hugs. Faith. Greeting cards. Snow cones. Joy. Photo booth. Truth. Vulnerable. Friend. House sitting. Hobby Lobby. Christmas service. Teeth. Hats. Feet. Welcome Home. Forgiveness. Acceptance. Flippers. 3:16. QuickTrip. Prayers. Confessions. Camp. Letters. Coconut Grove. Airport. Flowers. Belief. Pirate wear. Wagon ride. Manicures. Hand prints. Meetings. Encouragement. Autograph. Sassy. Hope. Healing. Library. Surprises. Real. Family. Eyes.
I love the eyes.


"I expect and hope that I will not fail Christ in anything but that I will have the courage now, as always, to show the greatness of Christ in my life here on earth, whether I live or die. To me the only important thing about living is Christ and dying would be profit for me." Philippians 1:20

Monday, October 27, 2008

I Believe

Angels are among us. They are. I've written many times that I know I have encountered a few. I won't know until I get to heaven and ask God if I was right about the ones that I thought were angels. But I think that I am. I've always relished the idea of angels being in our midst. It is a comforting thought. I think that is partly why I love this sculpture. I think she is breathtaking. Don't you? She resides in one of my favorite places. If she is as beautiful as I think she is, I can't wait to see what His angels really look like. I know they must be exquisite. Anyway, I thank God for His angels and for their presence here on this earth. And in that spirit, I thought I'd share one of my favorite pieces of art with you guys.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

He Didn't Have To....

Are you like me? Does the beauty of what God put here on this earth amaze you? It never ceases to capture my awe and wonder. One, because of its sheer beauty. But two, because He didn't have to make any of it beautiful. He didn't have to create such strikingly beautiful flowers. He didn't have to create little spotted insects that love those flowers. He could have created a simply functional world with no aesthetic wonder. He could have, but He didn't. Why? God loves us. He wants to display that in every way imaginable. We wants to delight us with His creation. If it weren't true, He'd have created the world to be purely functional. Sadly though, there are many of us who never see it. Not really. So many of us get so wrapped up in our day-to-day suburban lives that we miss out on the Master Artist practically screaming out through nature how much He adores us and adorns the world around us for our delight. Yet, we stick to the concrete, the highways, shopping centers, office and the houses we live in. We fail to truly see the beauty He put there to delight us. It is sad really. I know. I missed out on it too for a long time. I really saw His artistry when I was on vacation, out of town, or out of the country. How silly that I couldn't see what was right in my own backyard? But it wasn't because it wasn't there, it was because I didn't look.

This year I made it a point to let Him capture my heart even more deeply by being purposeful about opening my eyes to His breathtaking creation. That one change in my life has made a difference in my spirit. I cannot put it into words. But it is a difference that has brought richness to my life and into my relationship with Him - the One who loves me so deeply that He painted the world beautifully just to delight me with it. I encourage you to get out and really look around you. Stop and listen. His creation will capture your heart and all of your senses if you let it. And trust me you will not regret a single moment. It just might change your whole perception. It did mine.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Incomprehensible Details

Do you ever wonder about the details? I know in many things the details are critical. Other things, the details seem so minuscule. But often times, when it comes to God, the details infiltrate my thoughts.

Sometimes I wonder about the details of the cross. So much of it is incomprehensible to my feeble human mind. GOD hanging by nails on a cross? Nails with no supernatural power whatsoever, made by mere mortals, held the God of the universe to a piece of wood. How can that possibly be? Those same man-made nails held my sins (many years before I even committed them) to the same piece of wood. I wonder about the man who made the nails. Could he ever conceive that the nails he crafted would hold GOD to a wooden cross? When it was "finished," did the people placed there to "clean up" think about the blood left on the nails or the scarlet tips of the thorn braided crown? That was not the blood of a mere man. That blood was the blood of GOD himself. My mind cannot grasp such things.

The details of the cross really aren't the point of it all, but I do ponder them. I wonder about what went through the minds of each person that walked away from that gruesome scene, KNOWING that they had murdered the Son of GOD, and possibly even cheered as it when on. When the temple curtain tore from top to bottom, when the sky went black...they KNEW. What goes through one's mind walking away from all of that? Fear? Shame? Guilt? Anguish? I cannot imagine. Was anyone talking, or were they emotionally unable to speak? What did they think about as they lay awake that night, unable to sleep, with flashes of the scene plaguing their minds, tossing and turning trying to process the events of that day, trying to make it go away? I simply cannot imagine.

It was gruesome indeed. It was cruel and evil. The whole thing is inconceivable to me. The supernatural colliding with the basest of humanity. But for each and every detail, I am thankful, eternally grateful. It HAD to happen that way. The whole idea breaks my heart. It sends ripples of anguish through my heart to know that even I played a part in it. My sins were nailed to Him. They added to the load and the burden. They ripped His wounds and weighed Him down even more against the nails holding Him to the wood.

But, I praise Him for loving me enough to endure it all. I lift His name for being obedient to the master plan. I worship Him for His ultimate sacrifice. I live for Him for being victorious over the sting of death. He rose up. Even death could not hold Him. He loved me too much. He loved you too much to let it end in the tomb. PRAISE GOD for His incomprehensible love for the most undeserving people. Me and you.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

She Said/She Said

If there is one thing I hate it is drama. I don't mean drama like on some of the television shows I enjoy; that kind of drama is a great escape. I mean the kind of drama that pops up seemingly from out of nowhere between people in real life.

What's almost worse than being involved in drama (which I try to avoid at all cost) is being in the same room with drama when you are not involved in it. Can you say UNCOMFORTABLE? It ties me up in knots. There's nothing like having to be in the same vicinity of obnoxious drama and behave as if you are not experiencing it. Ackkk! I absolutely hate that.

This happened to me today. What's worse is when it is between people you care about and both are behaving badly. Grrr. Even though it is momentarily over (one party fled in tears,) I know it is not resolved and it will resume tomorrow. (sigh)

Just wanted to get that out. I wasn't able to release my frustration at the time and it was festering inside of me, so I had to release it. I cannot/will not take on their stress and their drama. I do not want it. So here...I have released it.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Path

Is this my path? Do I determine where it leads? Or am I just stepping along the stones already laid out for me? When I took this picture it made me wonder. It caused me to reflect a bit and even laugh at myself.

One of my problems (and I do have a few...) is that I find myself mentally several steps ahead of where my feet actually are. Often times this trips me up because I may not be watching where I am stepping because I am looking too far ahead. I want to take one step at a time and walk upon the stones that God has laid out. Instead I get caught up in something off the path or something I think the path may (or may not) be leading to.

Then when I get all discombobulated because of my own plans or desires, sometimes the Holy Spirit smacks me upside the head (not literally.) I almost pee my pants laughing at how silly my plans must seem to Him. I get so caught up in life and work and parenting and relationships and plans and.....ugggh. I am reminded that this life, OUR LIVES are but a vapor. We are here but just a VERY short while. Why must I work so hard to make this life fit "my plans?" It is but a tiny little blip on the radar screen of reality and eternity. Granted this tiny blip is important, but are the things I am focused on all that critical? Romance? Money? Possessions? Career paths? Mildly important, but not really why I am here. Is it? I am here to love my God. I am here to trust His plan. I am here to share Him with others. I am here to praise Him. I am here to help others. I am here to serve. I am here to do it His way. I am here for Him and Him alone. My focus cannot be bouncing around back and forth from career back to Him, to romances then back to Him, to finances then back to Him. HE IS THE REASON I LIVE AND BREATHE.

Holy Spirit, please smack me around when I get off the path or when I get ahead of where I am supposed to be. Place me on YOUR path in just the spot You want me to be. I will do my best to keep my eyes on You and the TRUE reason I am here. For You and Your desires. Not mine. Thank You for making me laugh at my silly little plans. They probably are quite amusing to You.

My life is AMAZING. You have blessed me so abundantly. I trust you to continue to guide my path and lead me to do what You created me to do: point others to you and praise you in all my ways. When I stray from what you must to recenter my focus.

Thank You for this little path that stopped me in my tracks and brought me closer to You. Continue to use the ordinary to reach me. I am looking for You everywhere I turn...and I find you each time I look! ;)

Interesting Bit of Reading

I have to first note that I did not write the following, nor do I know the person who did or even what his name is. And while there are some parts of it that may "bother" the "easily bothered", I wanted to share it, because I find that many of the things this man said are important. I am sure you can weed out the stuff that isn't worth your while. It amazes me that while this man does not proclaim to be a religious man or one that believes in a personal God, that there are so many men who do and say they are followers of Christ and yet cannot conceive of the concepts this man does that so closely emulate Christ...namely sacrifice.

Anyhow, I enjoyed reading this and I hope you will too:

Men have souls. They experience complex emotions which need acknowledgement. They possess a spirituality in need of cultivation. They are only fully human when they learn to have relationships based on trust, honesty, intimacy, sacrifice, and personal integrity.

Regarding married life, it’s just like life in general. Life is suffering, and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional. Marriage is an ordeal. If the partnership lasts, one of you will watch the other die. If you have children, you will be required to give up some of the things you want in order to provide your children with the things they need.

Your life is not a movie, a sporting event, a letter to Penthouse. Your life is one long (or short in some cases) act of dying. To the degree that your presence on earth brings joy and inspiration and tenderness and compassion into the lives of others, your death will have meaning. To the degree that you put yourself above others and indulge in personal pleasure, your life will be wasted.

No one owes you an orgasm, a smile, a meal, or a cent. You earn such rewards by being forthright, honorable, kind, and generous.

Perfection is not possible or required in marriage. Sacrifice, commitment, communication and love are required. Sexual love depends on all these things. Your personal neuroses and autoerotic fantasies can’t be denied, but keeping them the focus of your existence will leave you an immature and tedious person, in and out of bed, single or attached. More and more, I've come to think that sacrifice is the key. The fact that we live in such a decadent and ignorant era makes personal sacrifice--and the strength and humility and love that animate it--all the more essential to your life and our momentary responsibilities toward one another.

Youth is fleeting, and orgasms come and go, but you will experience pain every single day if you are at all conscious of what it is to be human. How you deal with the pain of life, in yourself and in partnership with others, will determine the sort of man you are.

For the record, I’m 50, have been with my wife 25 years and love her more than ever. Our sexual relationship has been through a lot in that time, and the sex we have today is absolutely mind-blowing. That fact alone keeps me focused on preserving the integrity of our relationship. I’m a very handsome and charismatic guy with plenty of opportunities to cheat over the years, but I’d be cheating myself of the most extraordinary sex I dare imagine if I insulted the honor and devotion of my wife.

My wife is dying of a horrible disease. She suffers every day. Watching her suffer is not easy. Yet, I still desire her, and I make sure we keep romance in our life together. I am completely satisfied in our relationship, despite our imperfections and my personal inadequacies. I will not forsake her in her hour of need, nor would she forsake me.

I’m not religious, nor do I believe in a personal God. I do believe life is sacred and that everyday should be lived as a prayer for our humanity. My life is filled with love, most of it completely undeserved. I’m grateful to have lived long enough to realize these truths.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

True Intimacy

We are currently planning the next event that I am working on at work. In the brainstorming sessions we've discussed love and what that really looks like and what the actual outpouring of it looks like and feels like. One couple we talked with recently went on a mission trip together sponsored by our church. They are one of the closest couples I know. I admire them and adore them, and their relationship inspires me. With tears in their eyes they talked about the level of intimacy they've experienced in their marriage because of the opportunity they had to really serve others together. They had no idea that serving on the mission field would change their marriage and draw them even closer to a level they never dreamed of....and had no idea even existed. It touched me deeply to hear about it. True closeness and depth in any relationship is reached when we get beyond ourselves and even to the point of getting the focus off of "us" and focusing outwardly. The impact of doing this with your loved ones is monumental! This was made crystal clear to me by this couple's amazing experience. It was beautiful.

Looking to be closer to those you love? Looking for stronger bonds? Deeper depths of intimacy? SERVE others together. Not only will you help others, you will strengthen your relationship and will be following in Christ's footsteps as well. Truly a beautiful concept.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So true...

Nothing ever changes, if nothing ever changes.

Monday, October 6, 2008


I completed my last writing assignment on time. It was a daunting task. One because I was so busy with so many other things. And two, because of the topics covered. But, as He always does, God was gracious to me and helped me through.

I am finding that it is quite a different thing...this writing "as assigned". I haven't had to do that since I finished my degree years ago. All of the writing I have done since then have been topics of my own choosing. Typically I write about things going on in my life, what I am learning or have learned, or what God places on my heart. It is a different thing all together to write about something someone else dictates. I had forgotten the element of challenge that introduces. Nevertheless, I enjoy it. Writing is a challenge to me, a good one. It gets me excited to have a concept or idea and to pull it out of the mind and assign words to it in order to have someone else understand it in the way it is meant. I like trying to create a picture or an idea or a concept in others minds through words. It is challenging. It is truly a craft and one that I love working at. But God is having to help me a lot with "assigned writing". I think I learn more through assigned writing and the research and study that goes into it, than what others may actually get out of reading it. Not that I will ever know that for sure, but I do know I have learned a lot from the projects I have been assigned so far.

Thank you God for the blessing of writing. It is therapeutic and yet challenging for me; a true joy. I may never do it "professionally", but in whatever form it takes in my life...I thank you for it. And I thank you for writing to me as well. Your Word is one of my greatest inspirations. So much love, wisdom, hope, and fire reside within Your words. I love to read them.

Thank you for the blessing of the written word.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Strings Attached

I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me laugh or make me frown....I had strings but now you see, there are no strings on me!

Pinocchio sang that cute little song when we was freed of his strings by the blue fairy.

Today however, I cannot sing that song. Wednesday night I had a bit of an accident and managed to cut my elbow open down to the bone. Woo hoo, I got to go and get stitched up etc... NOT FUN. After a good 24 hours of being bandaged up, I let the wound get some air. However my daughter got to noticing that the bandages were off and quite to her horror she seemed desperate to inform me that I had strings (stitches)!! With a rather disgusted face she said, "Mommy you got strings! You got strings! I no like it!" Yeah, well me either!! But it did make me laugh a bit and reminded me of Pinocchio's little song that I will be be unable to sing for the next couple of weeks.

So, today take a moment to thank God for your elbows. I cannot bend mine, so that I don't rip the stitches. I had NO idea just how limited that can make a person (washing hair, makeup, getting dressed, etc... GRRR. "I no like it!")

My insight for the day: Life requires elbows.

Have a great weekend.