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Saturday, March 3, 2007

Being Used

Reach up. Reach out. Reach in. That is something that my church uses to illustrate what we do within the local church. Each one is pretty self-explanatory. It is the reaching out to others that I want to drastically improve. I want to be more purposeful with my story. I want to do what it takes to reach others and be used by God. It is not enough to want to, to desire to. As I have said over and over, we must move ourselves to action.

I had lunch with a dear friend the other day. As I talked to him about this, he asked me something I wasn't expecting--had I shared this with my Home Team? I sheepishly said, "Well, not really. One or two of them know. " At that moment I knew I had to share this with everyone that is in my Christian circle of influence. I need to share this with all of you and with my small group (Home Team) from church. The reasons I need to do this are many: I need prayer. I need encouragement. I need to be held accountable. I need to be built up when I run into Satan's roadblocks and speed bumps. I am so thankful to my friend for reminding me of the valuable resource that I hadn't truly tapped into.

Here it is: I want to become VERY involved in my church. I eventually want to be a speaker. I want to lead groups. I want to share my story. I want God to use me to reach people who may not otherwise be reached, if I were to only think about it, instead of actively pursuing leadership roles. I want to be God's instrument. I want to keep searching, keep contacting people until someone sees God's fire within me and can help plug me in fittingly. I would love to do this, to begin a ministry within the church that I so dearly love. I believe in what they are doing for the lost in our community. I yearn to be an active and integral part of that. I do not want to look up years from now and realize I had a fire that Satan turned into smoldering dust. The thought of not living God's will for me breaks my heart!

I ask each of you to pray for me, to encourage me, to not let up on me, to help me as your Christian sister to step up to the challenge God has placed before me. It is as scary as it is exciting. I have a colorful past, a redemption story, and a new life that begs to be used to reach others as an illustration of what Christ can do within willing hearts. No matter who or where they are...I want to be used to reach them. Help me be God's instrument, His light, His hope. Help me fight to move forward in this endeavor! I want to be used.


Erin said...

Carlotta - I think it's awesome you want so much to be involved. I've had the same thoughts recently. I'm volunteering and love it. Also in my new members class, the pastor was talking about the women's ministry and I got this - ok it sounds stupid - tingly feeling. I felt like God was saying, "These are the plans I have for you." I had already talked to the head of women's ministry about becoming a mentor. I think my cheating ex and surviving divorce with Christ could really help someone else. She said as soon as I was a covenant member I could take the mentor class. Anyway - long story to say that I know what you're feeling. And it's a great feeling. I will pray for you. :-)

Anonymous said...

Funny thing what Erin said, that
"tingly" feeling. Most people don't recognize It for what It is. It, is God's Holy Spirit touching you, and IF It touches you, you WILL "feel" It. Sort of like touching "the hem of the garment" in faith and being healed, only instead, being challenged to do His will. My advice, when you feel it, spring into action, and do not let anything stand in your way, keep moving forward. Listen, feel, pray, and work!

Anonymous said...

Me too!! I could have written that. I'll pray for you while you pray for me, OK?