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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Anyone Still Reading?

It's been awhile since my last post, I know. I really have had quite a lot going on. The opportunity to sit down and write hasn't presented itself lately. I miss it. Since I began my new job, I have been WORN OUT! It's a good thing, though. I am really enjoying the job and the great people that I work with. The only down-side is how much I miss all of the time I got used to spending with my little angel. We were both very spoiled to get to spend our days playing together for so long. The awesome thing is that she is in incredible on-site child care while I am at work. I can see her anytime I want, which is SO nice. I am blessed to have the job that I have... SO VERY BLESSED.

So, eventually we will get into a groove and I'll be back to writing more regularly. But for now, it may be pretty sporadic.

Thank you to everyone who was praying for me and contributed to God blessing us with this job opportunity. I am so blessed to have each of you in my life and in my corner. I could never thank you all enough for what you bring to my life. God uses you to bless me, on a very regular basis. Thanks for being His instruments.


Anonymous said...

I am SO proud of you!! I know it's been quite an adjustment for both you and Graycn and it will take some time to REALLY get adjusted. But, it's all for God's glory!!

Erin said...

Nice to hear from you again! I've been wondering what you were up to! So tell us about the job.

You are so fortunate that there's on site child care. Elyssa had the same thing, only it was at my dad's work. I loved knowing Grandad could go check on her a few times a day. Now I'm the lucky one and get to see her at school.

Anonymous said...

Mom and I as soooo very proud of you and Gracyn. You two have made great strides in this transition. You both will be fine, and God will continue to bless you. But, don't think that Satan is not on the job. I believe God has set you on a path of service to Him that will last a long time and bless many people.

Anonymous said...

I'm still reading.

Carlotta said...

And since someone asked me, NO, this pic is not of my office. Just a pic I found of AN offic, not MY office.
I have a great desk in a room that holds two other people and their desks as well. It's a very nice office, but not like the pic.