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Sunday, March 9, 2008


God just keeps on surprising me. Yet, I still keep wondering why I am surprised.
I believe in Christian men being around and bonding with other Christian men. I wholeheartedly do. I believe men need to be in close relationship with other Christian men. They grow in different ways spiritually because of those relationships that they simply cannot in relationship with women. One of the reasons I SO love working in that ministry.

I have a new friend who is very connected at church, is a member of a small group and volunteers etc...but I encouraged him to come to the breakfast for men this weekend at my church. He'd never been. Although it was early and he could have been out playing golf...he went. I didn't get to talk to him much there (I was working...not attending). But he did say when I saw him briefly that it was PERFECT. He left with a BIG smile on his face.

Turns out that later on he told me that he loved it! The message was EXACTLY what he needed to hear. He felt God had led him there. He totally related to the speaker. He was broken by the message in a way he needed to be. It was a God thing. Truly a GOD THING. The words he used to describe the experience to me got me teary as well.

I love it. God crossed our paths recently. I work in that ministry. I encouraged him to come... He went. He was hit hard by a message he really needed. He loved it and he thanked God for orchestrating it all. I did too. What an amazing God we serve. I love stories like this. I pray God continues to find ways to use me in His service even when I don't realize what is happening. It gives me a rush of blessing every time He uses me to HIS glory.

Thank you God for doing what you did. Thank you my friend for sharing the details with me.


Jeff said...

It really WAS a great message. I'm so glad you encouraged him to be there and that he came. SO glad I was there too

Amy said...

I love it when I get front row seats to witness things like that. What a blessing for you to witness him being blessed.

Anonymous said...

It is a powerful thing when God blesses others through other people, but it is an even greater blessing to be used by God for His purposes, amen?