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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Recovery: Update

Who'd have thought this would be so hard? I guess if I had got online and really researched this I would have had a better idea of what to expect. But I'd have just thought all of those people were weenie's. Just being honest. But here's the deal: getting your tonsils out as an adult is really really difficult. Not whining, just stating the facts.
I am coming along, very thankful for my pain medication and thankful for my family and friends and their kindness and prayers.
I'd have lost my mind without both the meds and my loved ones.
The swelling has gone done enough to where breathing isn't a scary challenge anymore and I am not fearful of suffocating in my sleep. Whew!
The pain is now managed for the most by the medication...mostly. Until I try to swallow something. YIKES!!!
I hope to go back to work tomorrow...maybe a half day or something. Not sure yet. Depends on many things. Driving/pain meds/strength/etc.
Hey, this surgery has proven to be an effective dieting tool. LOL. Lost six pounds in one week. Lovely.
Anyway, I am still alive, but still recovering. Sigh. Time and patience and lots of prayer and a few more days of this and I should be coming out of it! Woo hoo!
Someday I will be so glad I did is not that day.
Love you all.


Amy said...

Glad you are getting better and the meds are doing their job. Let me know if you need anything.

Anonymous said...

Once again the "seat in the front row" has proven to be as sad as a good seat at a Rangers game, painful to watch. I don't know if I would have done as well as you have (doubtful), but I think I would have changed places with you if I could. And you did not whine. I would have, but you did't. I can't wait until you're back to normal!

Jeff said...

I'm SO glad that you are starting to see "the light at the end of the tunnel." I know it's been a VERY difficult and EXTREMELY frustrating time for you. It was tough for the rest of us too, feeling SO helpless. All we could do was pray...and of course consistently ask you if you needed anything ;o)

As for the six pound weight loss...I'm sure you kind of liked that. Although, you most certainly didn't need to lose any weight. If you lose anymore, I'm quite sure you will blow away. So...the next time you step outside, carry a couple of sandbags with you...or maybe just hang on tight to Gracyn :)

Love you and still praying for your continued recovery.