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Friday, July 18, 2008

Is This An Informercial?

I totally dig my Pilate's chair. I cannot find a muscle group that it won't work out. It is quite the little contraption. I only wish I had known about it sooner. It is quickly becoming my favorite toy. It is so easy to use. It doesn't take a lot of time. It is quite fun actually. And it works all of my muscle groups AND gets my heart rate up. So not only it is great for a muscle toning program it is also a great cardio workout as well. All in one. I dig that A LOT! I don't have to pay gym membership fees and I am not out in the heat...(but sweating nonetheless.) :)

Even though it came with several different dvd's and a chart of exercises etc...I have even come up with some of my own exercises on the thing to target some areas I want specifically worked out even more. It's great. It takes quite a lot for something to get me that excited about working out...but I actually don't hate fact, I look forward to working out with it. That's quite something.

Ok, so now that I have gone on and on about what I how I enjoy getting fit. You tell me what you do to get you have something you do that you really enjoy? Share with me. Perhaps I'll discover other ways to enjoy getting in great shape from your favs.


Amy said...

I love to swim!

Anonymous said...

I love to tramp up & down the banks of rivers and lakes fishing and do some walking when I play golf, and oh yeah, I chase Gracyn a lot. More than enough for "old folks."