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Friday, August 22, 2008

Art Appreciation

Read Psalm 139: 1-16

Who are you? Sounds like such a simple question. Most people spend their entire life struggling to figure out who they really are. As a follower of Christ you don’t have to wonder. You only need to go to the source—God. He knows not only who you are but who He designed you to be. You do not need to search in your place of work, in your family, in your significant other; in your wardrobe, or anywhere else. The world can cloud your vision. Your view can be warped. But God sees you in crystal clarity.

If you stand at a wall, facing an abstract painting, trying to understand it, who would you ask to help you understand? Would you ask the person who purchased it? The person who framed it? How about an art expert? Museum curator? Each of those individuals would certainly have insight, but the best possible person to ask would be the artist. It seems so obvious.

God knows who you are and sees you accurately because He is the artist. He is the creator. When you are questioning the artwork in yourself, go to the source. He is the ONLY one who really knows, that is why it is so important to seek the answers from Him.

Many outside sources try to dish out our identities. They try to tell us who we are, what we have or don’t have, and what we could be if only we would buy this or change that. But only the creator of the art truly knows the creation. When you are questioning...go to the creator of the artwork. Go to God. Stop no where else on the way.

What sources in your life try to define you or tell you who you are? Do they line up with what God says about you?


Anonymous said...

I said to someone recently, that we cannot know who we are until we know who's we are. And, we cannot understand our "real" value until we see The Son of God being allowed to bleed and die for our sins. Jesus, fully God, the Son, on that cross paying a debt I could not pay for me to have eternal life. Don't let ANYONE tell you you aren't worth much. The Father said differently, and I'll gladly take his valuation over anyone else's. Enough said!

Anonymous said...

IF God aaid it, and it conflicts with "other sources," I know who is right. Conflict resolved!

Mark said...

hey, we blogged about the same thing on the same day! Cool. I was inspired from the lyrics of a song I heard on 89.7.

I love Stephen Curtis Chapman's song "Fingerprints of God", it hits on the unique beauty of God's wonderful work in, and on, each person.

Keep up the great posts!