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Thursday, September 18, 2008


Woo hoo! I got another writing assignment. Whew! I was so hoping to get to do this again. It was AWESOME the first time. I absolutely loved it.

This one should prove to be even more challenging than the first. A section of material I have been assigned hits very close to home for me (divorce). That is part of the reason that it is being assigned to me, or so I am told. It is road that I traveled (painfully and unwisely) and yet learned SO much from and grew closer to God because of. Sometimes things that are that personal and that close to home are even more challenging to relate to an unknown audience. I can see that not only will I be sharing with others, but I know I will gain a lot too from the preparation, as always. God deals with me in such ways. ;)

There are other difficult topics to deal with in this assignment beyond just divorce. Anger, lust, etc... Eeeek. MAN! Who doled out this project and assigned who got what section to write? Sigh, I bet God had a big hand in that, and I am desperately going to need Him to help me deal with these subjects biblically and insightfully based on the scriptures covered therein. I am excited but truly nervous to tackle some of these topics. Am I the right person for this??

Take a deep breath Carlotta, let God lead you where He wants you to go with this. He has a plan here.

(Please pray for me.)


Jeff said...

Congratulations!!! I am SO proud of you AGAIN!! :) There is no doubt in my mind that God knows what He is doing in giving you this assignment. I will be praying for you of course.

Anonymous said...

Cool! I'm glad you got another assignment, albeit a tough one.

Amy said...

I know you'll do great with this one. And I'll be praying for you. Keep us updated.

Anonymous said...

I believe God has given you this assignment for multiple reasons. First and foremost, He needs you to speak from the heart so that people can KNOW how He really deals with people, and you know that well. Beyond that, He has decided to use you in this place and at this time. Spiritual growth on your part is assured. Tee it up, play hard, don't wimp out, and don't be faint of heart. He would never give you something this important IF He did not KNOW you were up to the task. Go for it.