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Friday, October 17, 2008

Incomprehensible Details

Do you ever wonder about the details? I know in many things the details are critical. Other things, the details seem so minuscule. But often times, when it comes to God, the details infiltrate my thoughts.

Sometimes I wonder about the details of the cross. So much of it is incomprehensible to my feeble human mind. GOD hanging by nails on a cross? Nails with no supernatural power whatsoever, made by mere mortals, held the God of the universe to a piece of wood. How can that possibly be? Those same man-made nails held my sins (many years before I even committed them) to the same piece of wood. I wonder about the man who made the nails. Could he ever conceive that the nails he crafted would hold GOD to a wooden cross? When it was "finished," did the people placed there to "clean up" think about the blood left on the nails or the scarlet tips of the thorn braided crown? That was not the blood of a mere man. That blood was the blood of GOD himself. My mind cannot grasp such things.

The details of the cross really aren't the point of it all, but I do ponder them. I wonder about what went through the minds of each person that walked away from that gruesome scene, KNOWING that they had murdered the Son of GOD, and possibly even cheered as it when on. When the temple curtain tore from top to bottom, when the sky went black...they KNEW. What goes through one's mind walking away from all of that? Fear? Shame? Guilt? Anguish? I cannot imagine. Was anyone talking, or were they emotionally unable to speak? What did they think about as they lay awake that night, unable to sleep, with flashes of the scene plaguing their minds, tossing and turning trying to process the events of that day, trying to make it go away? I simply cannot imagine.

It was gruesome indeed. It was cruel and evil. The whole thing is inconceivable to me. The supernatural colliding with the basest of humanity. But for each and every detail, I am thankful, eternally grateful. It HAD to happen that way. The whole idea breaks my heart. It sends ripples of anguish through my heart to know that even I played a part in it. My sins were nailed to Him. They added to the load and the burden. They ripped His wounds and weighed Him down even more against the nails holding Him to the wood.

But, I praise Him for loving me enough to endure it all. I lift His name for being obedient to the master plan. I worship Him for His ultimate sacrifice. I live for Him for being victorious over the sting of death. He rose up. Even death could not hold Him. He loved me too much. He loved you too much to let it end in the tomb. PRAISE GOD for His incomprehensible love for the most undeserving people. Me and you.


Amy said...

I'm finally getting feeds in my reader again. Yippee!!!!

Anonymous said...

All good questions in paragraph 3. Interesting post.

Anonymous said...

Ever wonder why Satan is soooo vile and angry, soooo hateful toward those who love God, and so hell-bent on destroying the relationship between us and God?

Satan was the most beautiful of all angels, most revered, special. But when cast down because of envy and rebellion, he has not been able to "get past" why God would die for "humans" and not choose to forgive him. In his mind, why would God die for us, for people made from dirt, why not for him?

Clearly something is different between us and Satan, many things are very different. So, Satan is wild with anger and resentment toward us, because we are eligible for redemption and he is NOT. Not surprising he hates us soooo much and will do anything to harm us and keep us from the God who loved us and gave Christ as our sacrifice, and left him with zip.