Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, October 6, 2008


I completed my last writing assignment on time. It was a daunting task. One because I was so busy with so many other things. And two, because of the topics covered. But, as He always does, God was gracious to me and helped me through.

I am finding that it is quite a different thing...this writing "as assigned". I haven't had to do that since I finished my degree years ago. All of the writing I have done since then have been topics of my own choosing. Typically I write about things going on in my life, what I am learning or have learned, or what God places on my heart. It is a different thing all together to write about something someone else dictates. I had forgotten the element of challenge that introduces. Nevertheless, I enjoy it. Writing is a challenge to me, a good one. It gets me excited to have a concept or idea and to pull it out of the mind and assign words to it in order to have someone else understand it in the way it is meant. I like trying to create a picture or an idea or a concept in others minds through words. It is challenging. It is truly a craft and one that I love working at. But God is having to help me a lot with "assigned writing". I think I learn more through assigned writing and the research and study that goes into it, than what others may actually get out of reading it. Not that I will ever know that for sure, but I do know I have learned a lot from the projects I have been assigned so far.

Thank you God for the blessing of writing. It is therapeutic and yet challenging for me; a true joy. I may never do it "professionally", but in whatever form it takes in my life...I thank you for it. And I thank you for writing to me as well. Your Word is one of my greatest inspirations. So much love, wisdom, hope, and fire reside within Your words. I love to read them.

Thank you for the blessing of the written word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spiritual "depth" is dependent on one thing in the main, our knowledge of God. We can know Him through His Word (what He says in the Bible), through the story of His Son (the Gospels), through allowing His Holy Spirit to be active in our daily lives, and by visiting Him many times daily in prayer. Your writing tells all of us exactly where you are on these "knowledge of God" issues. Thank Him and you for blessing our lives.