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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Revolving Stages

The stages of a rose are the stages of me. Only my stages don’t always flow in the same order and mine repeat themselves over the years. Sometimes I am the bud. I feel closed up, tight, and protective, yet the outside still looks welcoming and soft. But the reality is that I am guarded and wound up really tightly inside. Other times, I am in full bloom. My petals are open wide, strong but soft, I give off a beautiful fragrance, and I am at the peak of what I was created to be. Then other times, I am drooping on my stem, with petals missing, and the remaining petals are battered getting brown and brittle. I am worn and used up.

I’d much prefer to always be in the full bloom stage. Perhaps someday I will. Life batters each and every rose. It is reality. Today I feel that in most areas of my life I am in the full bloom stage. However, in one area of my life I am the protective bud and in another I am the withering on the stem. But all in all I am in full bloom and I love it! And I have some steps in place to work on the other areas to draw them into bloom as well.

Am I the only one with revolving stages?? Do you have them too?


Anonymous said...

I have revolving stages in the sense of how hard I'm going to fight, I call them my pushes. There are period s of time when I make up my mind to endure much pain for gain (for myself or a cause or someone else or God or whatever). Then there are the periods of time to sit back and reflect and enjoy and not think and not push and not fight. I don't like the pushes...don't like them at all, but they are necessary for me.

Anonymous said...

Your "stages" are applicable to all of us. The major differences I've seen in most people is the length of time they are willing to stay in the frayed "stage." When we are in that "stage," God cannot be glorified & Satan must be delighted. Your determination to move out of that down "stage" & into the "full bloom stage" is the correct response to finding ourselves bummed out & down. When it happens, & it happens to all of us, we must move out quickly. Thanks for the thoughts & your example.