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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall, don't like what I see it all!

There are a couple of situations in my life that are causing me a great deal of anxiety. Why? They shouldn't be. They can only do that if I allow them to. And here's what's funny---if I knew someone else as conflicted and anxious about these things, I'd be incredibly frustrated that they were allowing such nonsense in their lives. I'd make sure to tell them that too! So, why haven't I handled my two circumstances in the same way I would want someone else to that I care about? Hmmm, I could go with an old, yet well-used excuse, "We'll, this is DIFFERENT!"'s not different!

It's hard to like what you see in the mirror when you know the person looking back at you has allowed Satan steal their joy. And that is SO the case with ME right now. You see, these situations currently infesting my life with inner conflict, only exist in my world because I am allowing them to be there. In these instances, I didn't even have to DO anything to allow them access into my life. All I had to do was: NOTHING. By doing NOTHING, by sticking my head in the sand REPEATEDLY, by using the technique of avoidance, I have allowed my joy to be ripped away from me! Can I blame others? Sure...I could. But it would be a whopper of a lie. I have NO ONE but myself to blame.

Always talking about "stepping up, taking action, NOT sitting back and watching", and the list goes on and on and on---that's ME! Well, in these two ugly situations, I didn't listen to my own incredibly wise insight. Arggggh! I hate it when I do that. (I bet you hate it when you do that too.) BUT--(Behold, the Underlying Truth) the good news is...I have been convicted. The Holy Spirit never lets me go too long before He puts that mirror in front of my face, and what is reflected back is ghastly. Thank you God for the gift of the Holy Spirit and that you've helped me to soften my heart enough to humbly look into that mirror and be willing to change the person looking back at me.

I have remained silent long enough. I have stood back and allowed my joy to be snatched from me while I watched. I have stuck my head in the sand for the last time. I have veiled my "inaction" under the guise of "trying to be NICE" and "not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings", and on and on. I have denied what I know to be true and right under those false pretenses. WHOA! That's scary. How easily the enemy convinced me that being quiet, gentle, and "nice" might be better than dealing with REALITY through truth and love. So what did I do??? I did NOTHING. I watched two situations deteriorate in front of my very eyes. I listened to the the enemy, and in an effort to keep from ruffling feathers, in an effort to be "nice", in an effort to keep from hurting anyone's feelings etc...I used my legendary avoidance technique. "If I ignore this ugly situation, it will just magically go away." HOW SILLY! HOW NAIVE! HOW WRONG!

I am committed to dealing with these two uncomfortable, unpleasant, now unavoidable situations in my life. I am going to do it at the very first opportunity that I can. I am unexpectedly at peace about it too. I am excited because I know I am getting my JOY back. I am happy because I will be a stronger Christian woman for addressing these issues. I am happy because yet again, the Holy Spirit has tackled me---and I LOVE THAT! I count it such a blessing to see my life and my heart open to God and the Holy Spirit. It may not always be pleasant at first, but I can PROMISE you that every single time in my life that I have bowed in submission to His will, my life has FLOURISHED almost instantaneously! I can hardly sit still in my anticipation of what is to come. I trust my Lord to take care of me and bless me when I follow His direction. I am looking forward to my JOY being returned to me. In fact, I believe it's here already! (Sigh---of contentment and relief.)

So, I challenge you to look into your mirror too...not the one in your bathroom, but your spiritual mirror. Really look deeply at what you see. Is it beautiful? Or is it someone avoiding doing something they know they must? Someone refusing to forgive? Someone bound by things of this earth? Someone focused on money or money issues? Someone needing to step up and take action? Someone needing to let go of hurt and anger and release them to God? Whatever it is that you see...especially if you don't like it, PLEASE let me encourage you to DEAL with it is as soon as you possibly can. You may need to take some time to pray, to seek wise counsel, to study His Word...but do it. Do not put off the things that make your reflection ghastly like mine was. Tackle them before they suck you under! Tackle them before too much damage is done. Do it, go forward arm-in-arm with God. He will go with you and bless your socks off for having done what you know He calls you to do. Stop listening to the lies of the enemy, the fear in your heart, or your own selfish delusions. I encourage you to soften your heart, be uncomfortably honest with yourself, and look DEEPLY into that mirror. Act on what you see. He will be your guide if you let Him. Avoidance under any circumstance is cowardly. Remove it from your arsenal of coping techniques! Allow God to reveal to you the things that you are avoiding and let Him show you the path back to your JOY. It's much easier to look in to the mirror if you are not avoiding the things you most desperately need to address in your life--AND the reflection is much more beautiful. Trust me, get that weight of your shoulders, and you will find immediate relief. God may surprise you with the blessings He can then bestow upon you.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, in obedience I stand tall!


Kimberly said...

you know, it's sooo hard to be obedient and follow God's leading - but you are soooo right! once you do - your joy is restored!

i am praying for you through dealing with these 2 issues. you know that i understand!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

A "not-so-gentle" nudge to do what will benefit not only us, but everyone we come in contact with. Thanks for exampling (looking in that fearful mirror), what we all need to do. We cannot "fix" others, but we can allow HIM to "fix" us by taking that look!

Kimberly said...

by the way - i posted my 360 thing this morning and then read this blog and it helped me to clarify what God was really telling me about this morning! it was sooo awesome! thank you soooo much!!!

Anonymous said...

Good post. Thank you for sharing and for the reminder!!

Anonymous said...

Well said.