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Monday, March 19, 2007's everywhere!

This picture was sent to me in an email today. Isn't it breathtaking? Sometimes, I see things like this or receive things via email or whatever and it snaps me out of the place where I was. I got this email as I was just taking a QUICK couple of minutes between laundry and getting lunch ready for the munchkin. I was in a "get it done" mode. Shuffling about, doing this, doing that...but missing out on the beauty of life. Not just the breathtaking beauty like this picture, but the beauty that goes on in my home and in my life every single day. It makes me sad how much of it that I must miss in my hurried state sometimes. But I know that it is God's gentle Spirit that thumps me on the head from time to time with things like this. He wants me to stop, slow down, and see what He puts in my life and into my world just because He loves me. His creation is an amazingly beautiful thing. His love for us is illustrated in so many ways. SLOW DOWN. Raise your head up from what your doing. See the beauty in this world. See the beauty in your home. See the beauty in the faces and souls of your family and friends. His love and promises surround you everyday. Don't miss them and fail to acknowledge them and thank Him for them. He is so good to us. Wake up from your slumber, raise your head up and see what He's done!


Amy said...

Sometimes those thumps on the head aren't so gentle, but I know what you mean.

Carlotta said...

I hear ya. His Spirit is gentle but the thumps aren't always as gentle! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite verses, "Be still and know that I am God," fits so well as an antidote for today's hurry-up world. Good work.

Amy said...

I just love your dad! He takes the time to read what you write and leaves encouraging and uplifting comments on every entry. He is an awesome dad. You are very blessed.

Carlotta said...