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Thursday, March 22, 2007


"Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes AND is baptized will be saved, whoever does not believe will be condemned." Mark 1:16

Does this mean that those who are not baptized will not be condemned because it only states that those who do not believe will be condemned? Hmmm. Doubtful. My guess is, if you don't believe, you probably aren't going to be getting baptized in the first place..DUH. And if for some bizarre reason you do get baptized and yet don't believe, you'd still be condemned, right? Hmmm. So to be saved one must believe AND be baptized. Interesting.

"ALL authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to believe everything I have commanded you." Matt 28:18-20

Does that sound optional either? Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Most of you guys know how strongly I feel about this, I just am curious how any of that can be swept under the rug. I know it happens and I don't get it.
What do you guys think?

(I chose to only include scripture which came out of the mouth of Jesus, for time's sake...but there are MANY others in the Bible that support this stance. NOTE: the bold, caps, and italicizing emphasis are mine.)


Erin said...

I don't have time to research it right now (off to soccer practice) but I've always been taught that baptism is your first act of obedience after becoming a believer. I find it very hard to believe that if you are not baptized you are not saved. It goes back to the heart issue, doesn't it? God knows our hearts. If we believe - He knows. If we don't - He knows.

I may be way off from where you are going. I don't know the background that you mentioned - the "swept under the rug" comment. What are you talking about?

Carlotta said...

I am not trying to stir up anything or force my beliefs on anyone. I am just curious about this issue. I was taught that we are commanded to be baptized, as believers. Then, as an adult, I went beyond what someone else taught me, to find my own understanding by my own study. I found that from what I read that I still believe the same thing. It just seems that people like the first part of that "WHOEVER BELIEVES and is baptized will be saved" thing, but for some reason a lot seem to decide that the last part is optional. Strange to me. I don't know why some have an aversion to the baptism part, like it seems some people do. Why is that, I wonder? Why not just submit to what He said? It doesn't hurt, it is not painful, it's not like He said, "All who believe and walk across hot coals and broken glass will be saved". I am just trying to understand what the persistent refusal is about for some people regarding baptism. Many of which I know to be Baptists...seems funny to me, seeing that they are BAPTISTS. Helloooo? Does that seem ironic/funny to anyone else?
Well, anyway, I always encourage people to go beyond what they've been taught and seek their own findings from spending serious time in God's word with an open heart. A heart that is not trying to prove or disprove anyone else's teachings, but a heart to seek His will.

Erin said...

I don't know anyone who has an aversion to being baptized. I'm like you - it's not something that hurts, so what's the big deal? I'd never been immersed, only sprinkled since I grew up Methodist. I was so excited when I "had" to be immersed to join my previous Baptist church. It was so symbolic for me. It was right after my divorce. I really felt like my old life was gone and my new life was going to be so much better. Sorry - didn't mean to ramble.

Have you asked what their aversion is? I'm just curious. I wonder if it's just pride, you know?

Anonymous said...

Here's the problem, as Erin said, "I've always been taught." You cannot even imagine the things I was taught in my past that, when I seriously looked it up in the ONLY authority, the Bible, were off the mark. I don't know where these well-meaning people who taught me error got this information, but when anyone says something that conflicts with the Word, I choose the Word as my final test for Truth. As for Erin, praise God you have been washed clean by the Blood of Jesus Christ in baptism, and I hope the Holy Spirit, which you received at that Baptism, works mightly in your life.