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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Peace Again...At Last.

Spent some time yesterday and late this afternoon, as the sun went behind the house and shaded the yard, to lay on my back next to my little girl, in the cool green grass. We had beautiful moments together. Watching the sky and the leaves in the trees above blow in the breeze. We giggled together and just enjoyed nature and each other. We kicked our legs in the air together, which she found utterly hilarious. They were much needed, always remembered moments between a mom and her angel.

Thank you God for reminding me that my trials are truly minor and that I have ALL that I need and so much more. I am incredibly blessed in so many many ways. When I think of all that He has given me, it astonishes me that I could ever want for more. I had temporarily forgotten just how much I have been given. He gives and takes away. And it truly is alright. I am joyful. I am hopeful. I am His child. Blessed way beyond what I could ever dream for. Thank you my God. I love you deeply.


Erin said...

I'm sorry Carlotta. I don't know any details, but I do understand your pain. I'm glad peace came to you so quickly. I pray that it remains.

You are strong.

Carlotta said...

Thank you Erin. You know, I could just go along with what you've written and appear so strong but to be honest, I haven't been that strong. For days I was a complete wreck. Not eating, not sleeping, crying until there were no more tears. Railing in my head against God, against myself, and against him. But I decided I had to stop. I had to stop focusing on myself and my pain and at that moment I heard that Mercy Me song that I previously posted, as I was sitting in my car at the park with the rain pelting down. It became so clear. I don't know what it is, but there IS purpose in this storm in my life. And it isn't just for me to lose 9 lbs in a matter of days...(although, I am digging that!). There will be something, maybe many things, that come from this that can and will bring praise to my God. I know God has carried me through more than this and He will do it again. He already is. I just have to LET Him. And so do you.

Amy said...

It is amazing how much a little girl can help our moods, huh?!? I'm glad you had fun with little G.

Even happier that you are doing better. I'm so proud of you for looking through the rain and trying to find the rainbow.

Anonymous said...

Again, a seat up in the "front row," but this time the home team lost, and it was bad, really bad, like I've never seen bad. But just one game was lost, not the whole season, not the whole year, not a whole lifetime. Carlotta's friends stuck by her, and her angel, and her Mom and Dad, and her sister, and, most importantly her God. Oh, she's resilent and tough, but she's never alone in her battles. And besides all that, God likes her too. Glad you're back.