Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Thank You God for Your grace. You extend it to me DAILY, perhaps hourly (actually probably more often than that). I can never be good enough on my own. No works are great enough to deserve Your gifts. I fail. I fall. I sin ALL the time, sometimes unbeknownst to me. Yet, You continue to love me. I've been the prodigal, showered with grace and I've been the objecting brother who followed the rules and didn't understand. I've been in so many different places in my journey with You.

You sacrificed Your pure and blamesless Son for a mess like me--because You love me so much. Each day it boggles my mind, why...WHY do you SO love someone like me. I sin. I sin again--in ways that I don't even realize (reminded of this by other bloggers recently). Yet, it's true that Your Son's blood COVERS that. Amazingly, when You look at Carlotta You see Jesus. Not because of anything I've done, but because of what He did. Because of Your immense love and His willingness to be the bridge between us no matter the cost. Let me never be casual or jaded to any of what really happened on that cross and why. Let me never abuse such depths of love. Let me do my best to extend that love and grace to others...thus reflecting You, only You, not me. Help me to recognize my sin even in its most minute state, use the Holy Spirit to convict my heart each time I sin, big or small, please! I want to recognize it so I can turn from it and honor/glorify You. I know I will never be perfect, sin-free, or do it all "just right". If I could, I wouldn't have a such a dire need for You, Christ, His blood, His death, and resurrection. But the truth is I need all of that...more than anyone perhaps. Amazing Grace...if it were deserved or could be earned, it wouldn't be so amazing, huh?!?!?! Help me live a life that reflects my heart, gratitude, and awe of what You've done for me and the AMAZING GRACE You've extended to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His GRACE is ALWAYS AMAZING! Mainly, because it is soooo undeserved. At least for me.