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Monday, February 4, 2008

Lurking About

Satan tried to ruin my weekend.

Has he ever done that to you?

See, he knows when I'm doing really well. He knows when I am looking forward to things. He knows when things seem to be going smoothly. Those are the times he pounces.

The great thing is that I am starting to recognize those "vulnerable" times and I anticipate his arrival on the scene. This time it happened Friday morning. I was in a particularly good mood. Looking forward to my day at work and the activities therein. I was looking forward to my evening plans. I was looking forward to my Saturday and Sunday off work. I was cruising a long in my joyful state...but watchful of him lurking behind the bushes or down the long corridor. It didn't take him long to find me and start chipping away at my joy. And for about an hour right after I arrived at work...I let him get to me a little bit. But then I saw it for what it was. I saw him for what he is. A liar and a deciver. Once I pulled away from the problems he was attempting to create and I saw that it was just a ploy to steal my joy; I laughed. I laughed at myself for falling for it, although briefly. I knew it was coming. It ALWAYS does. But I laughed because I also had the power to stop his plan, and I liked that. He could continue to throw things in my path, (and he did), but his junk is not what controls my joy. My joy is not found in my circumstances. Although he continues to believe it is...or at least he tries to convince me of that. But I know the TRUTH.

So once I figured that out and plowed through the obstacles he kept throwing at me...I had a great day and night. I had a joyful weekend--despite some tough news and some challenges. Life will always have challenges, sad news, this or always will. But it is my choice to allow him to steal my joy or to hold tightly to it. The price for that joy was my savior's dare I let that little twit steal it from me!

My week will be just as great as my weekend! I am loved and saved. What more could I want?


Amy said...

Isn't it funny how you log in and check somebody's blog just "to get away from life" for a few minutes. Turns out that you are reading it because God is using somebody to tell you EXACTLY what you need to hear at the EXACT moment you need to hear it? Thanks, C! You were that somebody today. :)

Glad you were able to have a great weekend despite whatever was going on in your world.

Anonymous said...

You said, "I know the TRUTH." It is the TRUTH that sets us free, free of the chains that comes from the lies, half-truths, deceptions, distractions, self-focus, and other things brought on by Satan. I'm glad God's TRUTH prevailed and that you stood guard over the joy we have in Christ. Stay vigilant, he'll be back, he NEVER give up.