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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Girl Talk

I had the best lunch that I have had in a long time, yesterday. I don't mean the food, by the way. Although it was really good too. It was the company that was so refreshing. I had lunch with someone I have never had lunch with before one on one. Someone with whom I am becoming really fond of. A fascinating friend.

We found out that we actually have a lot in common and we talked and talked until we realized that we had been gone way too long and both had to head back to work. It was one of those times where one hour felt like a minute. I love spending time with people like that. You enjoy them so much that the time seems to just fly away. She was fun, real, down to earth, and such a Godly lady. We had a ball talking about food, men, family and most importantly God. It was delightfully refreshing to find someone who is genuinely a ton of FUN and also madly on fire for God and others. She was upbeat, lively, silly and had such a positive outlook on just about everything. Not once did she whine or complain about anything...not anything. How different! How refreshing! How FUN!

Not that I don't like people with issues, problems, challenges and need to talk, vent, let it all out. I do. We all have those times and those needs. But sometimes we can turn into a bundle of negativity and defeat and that is a big problem. This lady was a warrior, she was triumphant, she was a normal human being just like the rest of us, but she sees reality...GOD'S reality and that elevates her to levels far above the norm. She soars, she rises above all the junk that seems to brings so many of us down. I love that about her.

I hope that I can adopt some of her qualities that I so enjoy and admire. I don't want to be a negative person. Because of my relationship with God, His gift of salvation because of His Son's death and resurrection, and my daily guidance and from the Holy Spirit, I have so much to be joyful and thankful for. It should radiate from within me. It should change all that I do, say, and am. Like this should turn me into a refreshingly FUN and Godly woman.
Let's see if I can adopt this standard of living and go from just being set to SURVIVE to THRIVE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What you just described in your friend, is the example of what we need to project to a world with no hope, no future, and no JESUS. If they see strength and happiness in us, maybe they will ask and we can tell them about Him. Maybe.

I'm glad you got to know her.