Wedding Countdown Ticker

Saturday, September 27, 2008


I am unable to find the words needed to write. I am at a loss for something to write here and it is even worse for my latest writing project. It is due on Wednesday and I don't have a single word written. My life and my brain have been filled with other responsibilities and happenings, both wonderful and not-so-wonderful.

My head feels clogged. My brain feels encumbered with so many other things than this project. I pray God helps me pull it all together. It is a challenging project coupled with an already over-full schedule and a mind that is overloaded right now. I trust Him and know that He's always helped me before when I find myself in a crunch. I pray He is right there with me over the next few days and that the words will flood my mind and fill the pages with what He wants to say...

But for now there are no words and I am feeling anxious about it. Pray that I release my anxious heart to Him, KNOWING He will provide.

(Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. - Philippians 4:6)


Erin said...

Praying that the words will flow.

Anonymous said...

"Be still and KNOW that I am God" Be still and He will bring peace to your soul and His words to your fingers to complete your project. "Watch the Lamb," for clues.

Jeff said...

I've been praying for you specifically in this. God will guide you and give you the words. Enough said :)

Amy said...

How did it go? Did you get it done on time?