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Saturday, October 25, 2008

He Didn't Have To....

Are you like me? Does the beauty of what God put here on this earth amaze you? It never ceases to capture my awe and wonder. One, because of its sheer beauty. But two, because He didn't have to make any of it beautiful. He didn't have to create such strikingly beautiful flowers. He didn't have to create little spotted insects that love those flowers. He could have created a simply functional world with no aesthetic wonder. He could have, but He didn't. Why? God loves us. He wants to display that in every way imaginable. We wants to delight us with His creation. If it weren't true, He'd have created the world to be purely functional. Sadly though, there are many of us who never see it. Not really. So many of us get so wrapped up in our day-to-day suburban lives that we miss out on the Master Artist practically screaming out through nature how much He adores us and adorns the world around us for our delight. Yet, we stick to the concrete, the highways, shopping centers, office and the houses we live in. We fail to truly see the beauty He put there to delight us. It is sad really. I know. I missed out on it too for a long time. I really saw His artistry when I was on vacation, out of town, or out of the country. How silly that I couldn't see what was right in my own backyard? But it wasn't because it wasn't there, it was because I didn't look.

This year I made it a point to let Him capture my heart even more deeply by being purposeful about opening my eyes to His breathtaking creation. That one change in my life has made a difference in my spirit. I cannot put it into words. But it is a difference that has brought richness to my life and into my relationship with Him - the One who loves me so deeply that He painted the world beautifully just to delight me with it. I encourage you to get out and really look around you. Stop and listen. His creation will capture your heart and all of your senses if you let it. And trust me you will not regret a single moment. It just might change your whole perception. It did mine.


Anonymous said...

You know the thing about asking, seeking, knocking, you do and you are reaping the benefits.

Where I fish, there is an asphalt road that can now only be used to walk or bike, that runs beside the river where I fish often. The old road has trees on each side and many over-hanging the road making it nice and shady. The road is usually only 10 to 15 steps from the river, but few come over to the bank to look down at the river.

Last week, a Mom and her 2 kids stopped on the road to watch me fish, & when I caught a good bass, they ventured over to talk to me. They said they had come many times, but had never come over to the bank of the river. Because they came, they were treated to seeing my fish, 5 turtles, a large gar, several smaller fish, a neutra, a beaver, a snake, a hawk, and much more, that could not have been seen from the asphalt.

Just ten steps to wonder.

Anonymous said...

I hear what you are saying. I have been somewhat spoiled by my travels to remote locations to witness God's beautiful creation, and I don't seem to notice what is right here in my immediate surroundings. As a kid I remember the thrill of discovering what was over the next hill in the woods by my house. I wonder where that WONDER went? Hmmm.