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Monday, October 27, 2008

I Believe

Angels are among us. They are. I've written many times that I know I have encountered a few. I won't know until I get to heaven and ask God if I was right about the ones that I thought were angels. But I think that I am. I've always relished the idea of angels being in our midst. It is a comforting thought. I think that is partly why I love this sculpture. I think she is breathtaking. Don't you? She resides in one of my favorite places. If she is as beautiful as I think she is, I can't wait to see what His angels really look like. I know they must be exquisite. Anyway, I thank God for His angels and for their presence here on this earth. And in that spirit, I thought I'd share one of my favorite pieces of art with you guys.


Anonymous said...

Two reasons I KNOW angels are among us. First, the Word says they are. Second, I have encountered several, and been protected by them in my years here.

Amy said...

Edna. She was an angel I encountered that left a lasting and profound impression on my life. Thank you for reminding me of Edna.