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Monday, October 13, 2008

The Path

Is this my path? Do I determine where it leads? Or am I just stepping along the stones already laid out for me? When I took this picture it made me wonder. It caused me to reflect a bit and even laugh at myself.

One of my problems (and I do have a few...) is that I find myself mentally several steps ahead of where my feet actually are. Often times this trips me up because I may not be watching where I am stepping because I am looking too far ahead. I want to take one step at a time and walk upon the stones that God has laid out. Instead I get caught up in something off the path or something I think the path may (or may not) be leading to.

Then when I get all discombobulated because of my own plans or desires, sometimes the Holy Spirit smacks me upside the head (not literally.) I almost pee my pants laughing at how silly my plans must seem to Him. I get so caught up in life and work and parenting and relationships and plans and.....ugggh. I am reminded that this life, OUR LIVES are but a vapor. We are here but just a VERY short while. Why must I work so hard to make this life fit "my plans?" It is but a tiny little blip on the radar screen of reality and eternity. Granted this tiny blip is important, but are the things I am focused on all that critical? Romance? Money? Possessions? Career paths? Mildly important, but not really why I am here. Is it? I am here to love my God. I am here to trust His plan. I am here to share Him with others. I am here to praise Him. I am here to help others. I am here to serve. I am here to do it His way. I am here for Him and Him alone. My focus cannot be bouncing around back and forth from career back to Him, to romances then back to Him, to finances then back to Him. HE IS THE REASON I LIVE AND BREATHE.

Holy Spirit, please smack me around when I get off the path or when I get ahead of where I am supposed to be. Place me on YOUR path in just the spot You want me to be. I will do my best to keep my eyes on You and the TRUE reason I am here. For You and Your desires. Not mine. Thank You for making me laugh at my silly little plans. They probably are quite amusing to You.

My life is AMAZING. You have blessed me so abundantly. I trust you to continue to guide my path and lead me to do what You created me to do: point others to you and praise you in all my ways. When I stray from what you must to recenter my focus.

Thank You for this little path that stopped me in my tracks and brought me closer to You. Continue to use the ordinary to reach me. I am looking for You everywhere I turn...and I find you each time I look! ;)


Amy said...

You are brave! As much as I want to always say it, sometimes it is hard for me to say, "Holy Spirit, please smack me around when I get off the path or when I get ahead of where I am supposed to be." I know what would follow and it isn't always pretty. Brave woman!

Great post.

Anonymous said...

All of us are His children. This said, we should view ourselves from that perspective. You as a parent well know how pleased you are at the wonder built into your child, and how much you delight in seeing her explore and find interest in things off the path. At the same time, you must instruct and teach her to not wander too far and get lost. You must teach her about things that may harm her, like snakes, poison ivy, etc. As she gets older, you will need to guide her, but not overly restrict her development in the things she is talented in and has interest in. She must become what God intends for her to become, and to use her gifts and talents to glorfy Him.

We too, as His child, must explore and find wonder in this world He has made for us, and we must find our way to best glorfy Him, and we can, and we will.

Carlotta said...

Thanks for the responses.

Brave? Not really. In fact, quite the opposite. I have found, in my experience, that smacks from the Holy Spirit are far less painful than what happens when I get too far off the path and I don't get smacked by Him, but by my mistakes and mis-steps instead. So, I welcome His correction, rather than what happens otherwise. Bravery, not at all. Kind of "chicken" actually. ;)

Great analogy! I love you.