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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

She Said/She Said

If there is one thing I hate it is drama. I don't mean drama like on some of the television shows I enjoy; that kind of drama is a great escape. I mean the kind of drama that pops up seemingly from out of nowhere between people in real life.

What's almost worse than being involved in drama (which I try to avoid at all cost) is being in the same room with drama when you are not involved in it. Can you say UNCOMFORTABLE? It ties me up in knots. There's nothing like having to be in the same vicinity of obnoxious drama and behave as if you are not experiencing it. Ackkk! I absolutely hate that.

This happened to me today. What's worse is when it is between people you care about and both are behaving badly. Grrr. Even though it is momentarily over (one party fled in tears,) I know it is not resolved and it will resume tomorrow. (sigh)

Just wanted to get that out. I wasn't able to release my frustration at the time and it was festering inside of me, so I had to release it. I cannot/will not take on their stress and their drama. I do not want it. So here...I have released it.


Amy said...

Good for you. Be Switzerland. Get up and go get a drink if it resurfaces.

Anonymous said...

My experience has been that many times this kind of trauma has roots not in the actual situation, but in problems unrelated to the confrontation. I have snapped at innocent people (even those I love) over things totally unrelated to my relationship with them. Someone else or something else has me knotted up and the innocent person just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have found that when I review (and I always do now) the situation, it is clear to me that I erred, and that an apology may be due multiple people. God has finally given me the strength of character to be able to make matters right when others have been offended by my actions directly or indirectly. The great thing about this ability to repent is that I am never comfortable in repenting, therefore I make extra effort to not get myself into those situations to begin with. My prayer is that these two people will see the error of their ways and make things right between themselves and anyone else who may have been offended.

Kimberly said...

*whew* this reminds me a time not too long ago when i put you threw some stressful drama, i really apologize deeply for that and hope you can forgive me. i look back and see how unrooted i was in Christ, but deep down how i so longed to be and you were just trying to help me. i love you my friend!