Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So true...

Nothing ever changes, if nothing ever changes.


Anonymous said...

So, what changes would you like to see?

Carlotta said...

Where do I begin??

Ha, certainly with me! ;)

Anonymous said...

IF we ever get over the idea that we can change others (not possible), we can get on with the near-impossible task of changing ourselves. Leadership is a great concept, and in practical sense, it can be a reality. However, the most important element in true leadership is the example we set. IF we are able to consistently example the change desired, then we have a small chance at influencing others to do the same. IF we are not able to consistently example the desired behavior, others will not believe change is possible. Don't believe that? Try to remember, "do as I say, not as I do," and think about how effective that might be. Great thought, we DO need leaders and leadership.

Carlotta said...

People only change themselves. We very rarely can change ourselves, further I certainly know (from experience) that we cannot change others. And I've only been able to change myself with the power of God in my corner and yeidling to His will, not mine.
BUT the point is/was...NOTHING changes until SOMETHING changes. That starts within ourselves. WE cannot just sit around hoping for something to be different or better and expect that to just "happen". Change STARTS within is a decision, not a random happening.