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Friday, October 3, 2008

Strings Attached

I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me laugh or make me frown....I had strings but now you see, there are no strings on me!

Pinocchio sang that cute little song when we was freed of his strings by the blue fairy.

Today however, I cannot sing that song. Wednesday night I had a bit of an accident and managed to cut my elbow open down to the bone. Woo hoo, I got to go and get stitched up etc... NOT FUN. After a good 24 hours of being bandaged up, I let the wound get some air. However my daughter got to noticing that the bandages were off and quite to her horror she seemed desperate to inform me that I had strings (stitches)!! With a rather disgusted face she said, "Mommy you got strings! You got strings! I no like it!" Yeah, well me either!! But it did make me laugh a bit and reminded me of Pinocchio's little song that I will be be unable to sing for the next couple of weeks.

So, today take a moment to thank God for your elbows. I cannot bend mine, so that I don't rip the stitches. I had NO idea just how limited that can make a person (washing hair, makeup, getting dressed, etc... GRRR. "I no like it!")

My insight for the day: Life requires elbows.

Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

I love this post! Very "cute" for lack of a better word. Heal well.

Amy said...

If we can help in ANY way, let me know. Praying you are feeling better by now.

Anonymous said...

You did manage to cut one of the worst places on the body for healing. As much as you did not like the situation, you actually handled it quite well. I was not surprised about that.

Carlotta said...

Doing better. Functional for the most part. The "gash" is healing nicely. Stitches come out Friday or Saturday. But my goodness is there some sharp pain in the bone the last couple of days. I hit it really hard and must have really banged the bone up pretty good. Taking my medications and knowing it will be a silly memory in no time. ;)

Mark said...

sorry to hear 'bout this... hope you're getting all healed up now CC.