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Thursday, October 9, 2008

True Intimacy

We are currently planning the next event that I am working on at work. In the brainstorming sessions we've discussed love and what that really looks like and what the actual outpouring of it looks like and feels like. One couple we talked with recently went on a mission trip together sponsored by our church. They are one of the closest couples I know. I admire them and adore them, and their relationship inspires me. With tears in their eyes they talked about the level of intimacy they've experienced in their marriage because of the opportunity they had to really serve others together. They had no idea that serving on the mission field would change their marriage and draw them even closer to a level they never dreamed of....and had no idea even existed. It touched me deeply to hear about it. True closeness and depth in any relationship is reached when we get beyond ourselves and even to the point of getting the focus off of "us" and focusing outwardly. The impact of doing this with your loved ones is monumental! This was made crystal clear to me by this couple's amazing experience. It was beautiful.

Looking to be closer to those you love? Looking for stronger bonds? Deeper depths of intimacy? SERVE others together. Not only will you help others, you will strengthen your relationship and will be following in Christ's footsteps as well. Truly a beautiful concept.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's true! The "best" marriages I know are those where the two serve others together. The "others" are blessed, but the two, are blessed even more.