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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Does Anyone Understand Me?

Not being understood really stinks. One of the biggest issues I carry with me is fear of not being truly understood. Most of the time, I do not feel understood. Not a good feeling. Most of us long to have someone that really understands and"gets" us. Often times I don't feel like I do. Part of that is directly connected to the fact that I reveal very little about the deeper parts of myself because of being misunderstood in the past. So for the most part now...I just don't do it. Sad actually. But being understood is important. It is important for all of us. Even me.

God is working on this with me and has shared some interesting things with me about this over the last 24hours. I will try my best to pull it all together and write about it when I have the opportunity to organize my thoughts.

Stay tuned.


Amy said...


Looking forward to what you will reveal.

Sounds like you have issues similar to mine regarding trusting people.

Rember, you have to take a risk to get the reward.

Anonymous said...

One of the "7 Habits" that I've found to be extremely difficult to master is, Seek first to understand, then, to be understood." While you are one of the MOST understanding, compassionate, & forgiving person I know, you must realize that many times others build into their listening pattern certain biases and prejudices that even the most transparent of us cannot overcome. Do not believe for a moment that your communication skills are not precise. Many times the listener is flawed on some issues. Keep honing your skills.

Jeff said...

Well, I'd like to think I understand you most of the time. Looking forward to whatelse you have to say on this.

Anonymous said...

Frustrating isn't it? I GET YOU as far as being misunderstood me! In my case being misunderstood daily was (and still is to a much lesser degree) a tremendous source of exasperation for me. Almost all of my prickly behaviors stem from this problem. In my case being misunderstood is MY problem, I'm not that great at communication and socializing...much improved but still very substandard in my own eyes. Even though I know that, it doesn't stop me from taking my frustrations out on people around me. I look forward to reading about YOUR struggles, I suspect yours are very different from mine, although the frustration probably feels the same.

Carlotta said...

Here's the funny thing, I'll write more about it later, but who knows if anyone will understand what I write. ;)

Anonymous said...

We'll certainly try harder to understand you.

Anonymous said...

seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Carlotta said...

I try SO hard to understand others...but don't always succeed.

But there is comfort to be found.

That is what is to come.
I'll share soon.