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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Enjoy the Silence

Silence. Not something I hear very often. Often times, I crave it. Rarely do I hear it. But when I does something to me. It stirs something. It awakens something that remains dormant in the noise of this life. Silence is golden. That's not just a movie theater tag line. Sometimes only in silence can I hear the still small voice. And perhaps that is why I so crave it. Yet, it is SO hard to come by. I live in a constant state of noise. A three year old. Television. Radio. Coworkers. Family. Friends. More television. More three year old. People yammering on and on about nothing of any real consequence. It goes on nearly 24/7.

I am making it a quest: Find a pocket of silence every single day. Just for Him to speak to me in moments where I can actually hear Him. Time where even my own inner noise is turned off and all I focus on is His voice. He wants to speak to me. He wants to be heard. He longs to commune with me. But I alone have the power to turn off the noise.

Please be prayerful for me to make this a priority. I need this very much. There is entirely too much noise in my life. Especially inner noise. I need the silence. I crave it. I must seek it out every day. If I don't...the constant static and noise will drown Him out when I need Him the most.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are right. The admonition (command) to "be still & know that I am God" is one in which only we hold the power. I will try to hold down my "yammering."