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Friday, March 13, 2009

It's ALWAYS Something.

Kids often say whatever pops into their heads. It can be horribly embarrassing for a parent. I was sitting in a fast food restaurant with my daughter the other day. (Yes, I feed my child fast food sometimes. I am that kind of mom. Don't judge.) At another table sat a young couple. The young woman was wearing a TON of makeup on her face. It was WAY too much. Of course my daughter noticed this and in her innocent excitement kept poking me and saying "A clown, a clown, a clown mom!" I tried my best to get her to lower her voice. I am hopeful that "the clown" didn't hear her.

Deep down it was actually quite amusing, but on the surface it was a bit embarrassing. You just never know what a child's mind will process and how it will come bursting forth from their mouths. But believe me, it is ALWAYS something.

You give up a lot of "stuff" when you have children. You really do. But what you get in exchange for what you give up is SO much more. And even in those awkward moments, like the one with the "clown" it is so worth it. She's keeps me laughing and I promise you, I am NEVER EVER bored!

Life is good. Life is funny. LAUGH OUT LOUD. It is too short not to. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Think of having children as the price of admission to the "Greatest Show On Earth," because it is, and in the center ring, Gracyn!