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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Not-So-Random Piece of Paper

I wouldn’t call it “bitter” or “resentful”, but when Father’s Day rolls around a part of me aches. Fortunately, I have an exceptional dad. That’s not the source of my pain. It's my daughter’s lack of a dad. I know, I know; she has a wonderful PawPaw, Uncle Jeff, Mr. Ken, Mr. Buster, etc…the list goes on and on. But, this little girl does not have a dad. Not the way it is “supposed to be.”

Every year at church or at school they make something to take home to their dads. (Knife to the heart…) The first year this happened was the worst for me. I didn’t expect it to catch me off-guard the way it did. In her bag was a laminated construction paper football that said, “Thanks for always catching me, daddy!” Who was I supposed to give this to? What was I supposed to do with this horrible reminder of her situation? I knew she had no idea what it was about really; she was only 18 months old after all. But it sent a pain through my heart that stung quite deeply. (Especially since I knew the years to follow would be marked with these kinds of things over and over again.) But we moved forward as we always do.

Let me take you forward to THIS year. In her bag I found a piece of white paper with little informational things about “my daddy.” It had sentences like, “My daddy’s favorite thing to do is_______.” My daddy’s eyes are________.” Etc… I was told that my daughter worked on this and filled it out about her PawPaw. OK, that works for me. It was cute (and funny) and decorated in browns and blues. This little paper had a larger colored piece of construction paper glued to the back, as a background. My daughter was the last one to select her background paper from the large stack (about an inch thick stack, I’m told) of construction paper. The piece she chose, from the middle of the stack had actually been used before. It was a “scrap piece” that her teacher didn’t realize was put back in there. Turns out, it was the only “scrap piece” in the whole stack. Of course that’s the one she picked. Of course! You see, even though she couldn’t see what that page really was when she selected it and pulled it from the stack…God knew. That one lone page was a page previously used to cut out a shape of a cross. So what was left was a sheet of paper with a beautiful cross shaped hole in it. THAT page is the one glued to the back of her informational paper about “her daddy.”

You may think that is merely coincidence. I don’t, and neither did her teacher who was also moved to tears by this incident. I think my little girl selected that particular piece because of the Holy Spirit. Not so much for her, because at this point she still doesn’t understand all of this “grown up stuff.” But God knows that her teacher could use this to reinforce what God means to her as her Father and so that I could also be comforted by this as well. There is a hole in this child’s heart…but just like this paper, it can only be filled by our loving Father, a Father so loving that He sent His Son to die for us. THAT is her Father. That is the reminder of His love. The cross. That is the hole in the page. That is the hole in her heart. ONLY GOD, through CHRIST can fill it. And He will…

Little things will probably always have a sting when it comes to her dad. This is reality. But I love my Lord so much; He reminds us that He holds that little girl so close to His heart. He reminds me daily how unique and special she truly is and He has filled her life with MANY amazing men. She is SO blessed. And so am I. I know she means SO much to Him and I never doubt how special she is to Him.

I love you Father God. Father to the fatherless! Please always hold her extra close. She needs You very much; and so do I. Thank You for this unique little blessing on a not-so-random piece of construction paper. You amaze me every day!


Proudest Dad & Pawpaw said...

Not much more to be said here, but I'll try just a little bit.

When these situations happen, and like you pointed out, they always will, she will be "different." BUT, she will always have a mother strong enough (in the Lord) who can help her through those times. I know of NO Mom who loves her child more than you do, no one! And IF she had a Dad in her life, she would not have the truly great men you have mentioned in her life at the level she has them.

All I can say is that God knows what He is doing, and we can depend on His wisdom in this, and all, cases. This girl could not be more loved than she is every day. Praise God for His plan for each of our lives, and especially for her's.

Amy said...

Amazing and so very touching!

Erin said...


Jeff said...

Wow!! Obviously it's been awhile since I checked your blog...otherwise I most certainly would have commented much sooner.

Love this story!! I'm speechless :)

LizardChick said...


Kit Mitchell said...

This story makes me feel very selfish. but don't worry, that's ok. I thought blogs were about telling people about you, an ego trip if you like, but this is all about others and not about the author so much. I have learned a lot, Thank you.