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Monday, January 18, 2010

Heavy Heart

Wow, today has been a tough one for me. Work is fine. My kiddo is fine. My family is fine. My honey and I are fine. But I received some news today that just knocked the breath out of me. I can't share it. But please just be in prayer for a family that I thought was rock solid and it turns out it has a huge crack right down the middle. My heart is broken for them and it's hard for me to wrap my brain around. I am praying for each of them; the one who is being romanced by Satan and the ones left to wonder why and wondering how to pick up the pieces. Please God do what You must to reconcile this family. Touch the hearts involved. Draw this family to your heart. Restore what has been lost. Heal. Heal. Heal. So much is at stake. So much more than just this family. Far reaching, impactful family...split. I can't believe it. I can't understand. Finding my heart heavy and eyes full of tears. All I know to do Lord is to give it to You.

Take it. Do what You must.

Friends, please pray even though you do not know specifics, God does. Pray for this broken family. Thank you VERY much.


Amy said...

I will be praying.

Proud Dad said...

I am sorry if Satan has been screwing up lives, still, again. He will not stop because he HATES believers, HATES us. We represent the ultimate slap in his face by God. Satan was the greatest and most beautiful of all the heavenly beings, and perhaps because he was, he sought to have the power that only God could have, he revolted, and took others with him. God cast him out & down, FOREVER...FOREVER...FOREVER. That word, FOREVER, rings in his ears, FOREVER. No opportunity for another chance, no redemption, no reconcilement, FOREVER.

For Satan, it must seem terribly unfair, terribly unjust, FOREVER. But here we are, to him (Satan), "mud men," dirt into which life was breathed, not beautiful, not great, not powerful, not terribly smart, just "mud men." But we are forgiven 10 times, 100 times, 1,000 times, and more, and yet, NO forgivness exists for him.

Now, we can understand his utter and complete hatred for us, and for the unjust and unfair God who loves us, and not him.

We can see how and why (his motivation) it drives him to seek us out and destroy us at every turn, but we are not without protection (praise God), we have God's Holy Spirit willing and (again, praise God) ABLE, to protect us IF we but stay close and seek His will. WOW!