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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Help me!

Guys, this is a cry for help!

OK, perhaps, not so much a cry for help as a cry for accountability. I figure that if I post my plans here, for the whole world to see, maybe some of you, who actually care for me personally will hold me accountable for the statement I am about to make. I hesitate to do this...because stating it, puts it out there. And then expectations are created. But that's the point of accountability, right guys?

So here I go.... Requesting accountability...on purpose no less. LOL

As many of you who know me personally know...I "used to be" a runner. But the thing about running is...once you've been a runner, it gets in your blood. I grew up running track from a VERY early age. Several years ago, my house was just across the street from a brand new (at the time) local high school. My friend Jennifer and I would go and run at the track in the evenings together. I loved it. Most of the time. It's a love/hate kind of thing...especially during a Texas summer. But the truth is...I got out of it when I moved away from that house. Then I had my daughter and then....and then...and then... For several years now, I have made excuses. Good ones I might add, but excuses nonetheless. I want to start running again. I want my body to be truly healthy again. Not that I am unhealthy by any means (especially since I got those evil tonsils out of my body!! LOL) But healthy and fit, strong and lean. I want that again. So, what did I do? I went to a local store that specifically caters to the running population and I got a great pair of running shoes. The people in this store were incredible. They watched how I walk, they watched how I run, they examined my feet and how they function. They found a pair of shoes that works really well for ME. And even though they were significantly more expensive than I would normally pay for a pair of shoes...I bought them. JOYFULLY actually. They are an investment... but my point in telling you guys this is not just random information for you about my shopping is for accountability.

You see, if I make grand plans for my life and yet don't tell anyone...who's to know if I just throw in the towel? Who's to know if I simply quit? I am wired to care more, much MORE, if I have opened my big mouth and told someone my plans. It creates a desire to not let someone down. To not allow someone to think I am a quitter. To not let myself down. Does that make sense to anyone else?

There you have it. I am going to start running again. I am going to make GREAT use of the high-dollar running shoes that I purchased. I am going to make the trek back to being FIT! Please encourage me and hold me accountable, if/when you think about it. I sure would appreciate it!

Hugs to you all!


Jeff said...

Good for you!!! You can certainly count on me to encourage you. Who knows, maybe I'll even join you on a run from time to time. I got in the habit of running fairly regularly a couple of summers back...but of course I later found "other" things to do.

Amy said...

How fun! So, have you been running yet? I want to hear about how wonderful those shoes are. What's it like running in those as opposed to the shoes I would buy?

Anonymous said...

From my vantage point "up in the front row," I will be acutely aware of your progress, and I promise to "gently" remind you if you start to slack.

Amy said...

How's the running?

Carlotta said...

Going alright. Wasn't as productive this weekend with the holiday and all, but should be more consistent this week.

Thanks SOOO much for asking!

And the shoes are awesome by the way. They're Grrrrrrreat!