My friend Erin wrote in her blog about something that I think most people can relate to...I certainly could. The words she used rang true for several of us who read her blog. She was discussing the frustration with having feelings within the heart that aren't going anywhere, that drag us down, that are not providing any good within our lives. She so eloquently said that they are a waste of heart-space. It is like she had been snooping through my heart over the years. She knew the pain and struggle of having wasted heart-space, and the understandable agony of not knowing how to remedy the problem.
Boy, if I had the answer to that I'd be one of the most sought after human-beings in the world. That kind of struggle reminds me of a scene in a movie--Bruce Almighty. There is a scene in the movie where Jennifer Aniston is curled up in bed, crying, pain-filled tears streaming down her face, while she is praying, telling God she does not want to love this man anymore, asking--no, begging God to make her not love him anymore. OH...when I saw that movie for the first time---I could SO relate. I was there. I was that woman. I had spent countless hours in prayer, tears falling endlessly, begging God to remove my feelings. Banish them! They were hurtful and future-less feelings. Argggh. But He didn't ZAP those feelings from my heart. I struggled with those feelings for years.
Good news is...I am free from those feelings. Why? Well, for me, it took time, it took refocus, it took an intentional mental clean-up. It took prayer. It took self-control. It took looking at the reality of blatant futility. It took thinking more of others than myself. It took putting my focus on God other than on myself. It took moving God into the position of highest power and influence in my life and taking it away from a man who never wanted that power in my life, and certainly never deserved it. There comes a point when we have to resurface into the world of what IS and what CAN BE and stop living in the past or living in futility. God wants more, SO MUCH MORE, for our lives. He just wants us to LIFT UP OUR EYES and see beyond our so very limited "feelings" and see this whole new beautiful and unfathomable plan HE has for us. We've got to stop trying to live in the past, trying to live in an imaginary world that is never to be, and cheating ourselves out of the will of our God whose plan for us turns our "feelings" and our "plans" into dust in comparison to the splendor of what HE HAS PLANNED FOR US.
We have been blinded by the enemy. He wants to to be so focused on this or that, that we never lift up our eyes to see what God has waiting right there in front of us. Satan would love for each of us to get lost in our feelings and to waste up all of our precious "heart-space". It's so easy to listen to his lies, his whispers, his slyly comforting betrayal that we know better than God, that we know what is best for us, and what we most need. I warn you, that road leads to more pain, more anguish, more agony, and final defeat. I've been there! I've been there not so long ago. It takes work...hard work to claw your way out of the virtual grave you've buried yourself in. It does not happen overnight. It only happens with God at the lead, with you following HUMBLY behind, and with an army of friends and family in support of your entrance to the world of GOD'S blessings and GOD'S plan for you.
So I guess I do have the answer, but I doubt anyone will line up to get it from me. The answer isn't a ZAP from God, as much as we would all like for it to be. But there is an answer. There is hope. There is something so much better than we ever dreamed. It may end up nothing like what you would have had planned...but you better thank God for that!! What you had planned quite possibly could have been planted in your life by someone who comes to steal, kill, and destroy! Get out of your little box and your clean out your heart-space. Fill it up with Him and He will give you the desires of your heart. He said so Himself!
This is the wonderfulness of blogging! Carlotta - beautiful! It is so freeing to share something and hear that others are right there with me. I don't even know what to say - I'm so blown away by how awesome it was to read your post. Love it!
And, lucky me, I'v had a front row seat to your transformation into a follower of the Good Shepherd. Indeed, He will lead us, if we will follow, to His mountain tops, to crystal clear waters, to safety and plenty, to happiness, and on to eternal life with Him, the Son, and His Holy Spirit, IF we will focus on Him and on others, forgetting self. He will take care of self, trust Him!
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