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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Taming the Tongue

For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Matthew 12:34

That is really something we should all stop to ponder. We all say things that we shouldn't. We all let things come out of our lips that should have never even entered our minds. But the truth is, our words reveal SO much about the content of our hearts. If our mouths are spewing venom...our hearts are quite likely full of poison as well. Join me in begging our heavenly Father to clean our hearts so that all that comes forth from us, whether in word or in deed, brings glory to Him. Join me in begging forgiveness from Him and from others who have been the victims of our untamed tongues. Our words can cut to the bone, they can slash into the hearts of our brothers and sisters, and they can do damage we cannot even begin to fathom. Let's be ever mindful of what we think and say, whether in public or in secret, as they reveal our hearts.

For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned. Matthew 12:37


Amy said...

That is true. Words can cut very deep.

I was guilty just yesterday of allowing venom to leave from my lips. I apologized and I have been forgiven, but I still have guilt. I pray that what was in my heart that made those words leave my lips is gone.

Carlotta said...

I completely understand. I could have written those words (in your comment) myself, which is why I posted this blog. I am as guilty as the next person and those scriptures spoke deeply to me today in many ways.
Create in ME a clean heart, Oh God!

Anonymous said...

I think we'd all do better if we wore a shirt every day that says, "I am a Christian, you can tell by my words and actions." I know there would be some changes in my words and actions. But do we really need a "shirt" to help us, or do we need to simply realize we dishonor the One who shed His blood when we fail?

Anonymous said...

So true. I hate my tone (which I think is as bad as words) too often with my girlies.

Oh Lord!Get a hold of my tongue.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog, Carlotta! Psalm 51:10 has always been my favorite scripture, and my daily prayer. I heard a minister just recently, in speaking about the tongue and its seeming inability to be tamed, say, "You notice you never hear about ANYBODY getting arthritis in the tongue!" :oD
It's funny, but gave me something to think about. Maybe we should pray for that very ailment, so our tongues won't be quite so loose on both ends!