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Thursday, September 6, 2007

I Found God's the Office!

I work with some of the greatest people on the planet. I truly do. It's amazing to be able to go to work and sit down and pray, sing, laugh, cry, and deeply connect with your colleagues. Rare! There are people there that I have truly only known for a few months who have become so dear to me. People who truly care about me and my life. People who allow me into their lives and their hearts as well. They are just amazing.

Just today I had the sweetest person here, pull me aside and hug the stuffing out of me. She sees into my heart and knows that even though I am healing from my heartache, that it is not instantaneous. She isn't even in the same building, but makes an effort to stop by visit, make me laugh, and give me a big bear hug. What a blessing!

On Tuesday, I sat with another wonderful person while he prayed over my sister's surgery and the questions I am struggling with in my personal life. He gave me Godly, sound insight and furthered me along in this process of healing and reawakening. I sat down in his office feeling a little down, having back-slid a little in this healing process, and I left his office laughing, inspired, and full of faith and hope. Another amazing blessing.

I could continue on and on. People I don't even know really well have just been a little brighter, cheerier, and more joyful as I interact with them. Is it my new outlook, my changed perception? OR is it God extending His heart to me using these people of flesh and bone to bless me and lift me further and further up? Is it both?

Whatever it is, I know it is all of God, because He loves me so. He wraps His arms around me so often during my workday through the amazingly caring and giving staff that I work with. Who could ask for more?


Amy said...

I know the work is hard and can probably sometimes be heart-wrenching, but it sounds like you are right where you need to be and are being blessed because of it.

Anonymous said...

All things DO work together for good to those who love the Lord God, bless them and you.