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Saturday, September 1, 2007

What's a little rain, anyway?

I can count a million times
People asking me how
I Can praise You with all that I've gone through
The question just amazes me
Can circumstances possibly
Change who I forever am in You
Maybe since my life was changed
Long before these rainy days
It's never really ever crossed my mind
To turn my back on you, oh Lord
My only shelter from the storm
But instead I draw closer through these times
So I pray Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain
I am Yours regardless of
The dark clouds that may loom above
Because You are much greater than my pain
You who made a way for me
By suffering Your destiny
So tell me what's a little rain
So I pray
Holy, holy, holy Is the Lord God Almighty
--Mercy Me--

God, You've sheltered me and carried me through much bigger storms than this. I've always come out stronger because of the rain. While it may be storming now, I know that You are bigger than this pain. You will be praised through this. I will be stronger and closer to You because no matter what Satan tries to destroy within me, he WILL fail. I momentarily listened to his whispers, believed his lies, as the wind blew and the rain pelted my face stinging my skin and mixing with the tears. But then, I stopped. I looked up. I saw You. And while he continued to whisper in my ear, I finally stopped listening. He is a liar. He sought to kill and destroy me and while he may have destroyed what I thought was solid, it was simply earthly. I know that You are ALL that is solid. So I cling to You in this storm and I know that You hold me. I praise You in this storm. I praise You for what you are doing in me right at this very moment. I praise You for what You've shown me about myself and my worth over the past few days. You have plans for me, amazing plans. Bigger and better than what I dreamed. While I cannot see Your plan right now, just knowing that You are orchestrating it brings me peace and is worthy of my praise. Thank you God for this storm. I know You will be glorified in it. I know I will be better and stronger and able to serve You even more because of this momentary rain. Rain is what causes things to grow!

I am YOURS; daughter of THE King. And I am because of precious and mighty Jesus. In HIS name...AMEN!


Kimberly said...

Dear Friend,

You are beautiful inside and out and I'm thankful for you. I know your pain and my heart is broken for you.

While he is lost, you are not and you will not waiver from the beautiful path God has mapped out before you.

"That which does not kill us only makes us stronger" - Truvvy from the movie Steal Magnolias.



Carlotta said...

Thank you for your kinds words. I don't know where exactly he is, but I am sure he is not lost. I am trusting that he came to this place because God led him there. I have to trust in that. I know him, love him, and choose to believe he is following God's nudges. This time in my life will make me stronger. My time with him made me stronger. I am not angry. I am hurt, but am healing. I will always care deeply for him and pray that God leads his paths, and holds both him and his sweet children in His care.
You are a sweet friend and your kind words are always uplifting and appreciated. Pray for me to continue to trust God's hands are on this situation and that He will continue to hold me up as I heal.

Erin said...

Your words made me think of the song "Praise You In This Storm" by Casting Crowns. Do you know it?

I'm amazed at your ability to have faith in the storm. I just read through a journal entry that I wrote about a month ago. In it I totally railed at God - yelling and accusing Him of not caring for me. It made me cry. And right now, I'm doing it again. Not quite as angrily, but still doing it. I want what I want. He wants to protect me. When will I learn?

Carlotta said...

I love that Casting Crowns songs. It is one of my favorites... perhaps it should be my theme song! LOL.
We all rail against Him sometimes. He can take it. But eventually our faith, if it is real, will pick us up and carry us to Him, so He can carry us the rest of the way. I too wanted what I wanted. I hung on too tightly. I felt like my heart had been ripped right out of my chest. I went to a dark dark place. BUT, my faith grabbed me by the hand and pulled me out. God gives and He takes away. I do not understand why, especially in this case. But I have to accept it and move forward praising Him even in my pain and confusion. The peace comes moment by moment and gradually. But we have to be willing and active participants in the process. He will not do all the work for us.
Love you Erin!!! I do and I pray for you often. Please pray for me too. I still need it very much at this time.

Kimberly said...

That's awesome sister and i hope you are so right.

i see so many people looking to fill something in their hearts with relationships with other people. the hurt and the pain that is left in the wake of that is hard to witness and help each friend each time they go through it, but your courage through this has taught me so much and so thankful that you share your truth.

Thank you for sharing your life with us. you are truly amazing :)


Anonymous said...

"Daughter of the King," on loan to me on this earth. Praise God!