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Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Day, New Adventure

It's a new day and a new week.
Thank God!
Last week was really rough for me.
I need a new one to start over with.
New Year. New Week. New day. New new new!
God makes all things new.

God, make me new today. Clean up the messes I've made. Remind me of the successes we've had. Show me the next step and the next adventure You have planned for me. There are so many adventures to come. So many opportunities to refine me and stretch me and help me grow. I will not surrender to who I am today. I am not who I was in the past and I can be more than I am today. I am not afraid. Let nothing paralyze my forward progress. Let no thing and no one hold me back. Help me to not give up when I fear that the task at hand is more than I can handle. Help me to hold up others when they need to feel You and Your encouragement. Help me to show others the way You see them. Help me to never quit, to never give up, and to always persevere even in the face of Satan himself. Help me to be the Carlotta you designed me to be, not the one I am today. Help me to help others with the same task. In serving and lifting up others, I can become who You want me to be.

Thanks for loving me even when I am unlovable, forgiving me when I am unforgivable, and for restoring my hope each time I think I've depleted it. Even in my hurt and despair, You find me and make me new. Thank you Lord. I can do all things. I can do all things. I can do all things. Not because of me...on my own I can do NOTHING, but I am not alone, I am not on my own, I AM WITH YOU. You are in me every second of every minute of my life. If you bring me to it, You will propel me through it. Every challenge, every trial, every mountain I want to climb but fear climbing, I will conquer. Not because of me, only because of YOU. Thank you for being all that I am not. Show those that I love who are struggling with these things too, that whatever it is, they can conquer it, they can succeed, they can do whatever it is that seems un-do-able. NOTHING is too big for You. NOTHING.

Thank you God.
Anyone reading this, please remember that you can be powered by the God of the Universe. Stop hanging out in the dark and cursing it, light the candle for goodness sake. (And if you are a little slow...I'll help you a bit...the candle has a name. His name is: GOD, He loves you and wants nothing more than to be with you and help you, but He only will when called upon and invited. Stop trying to battle on your own in the dark. Light the candle, goofball!)
Have an awesome week friends, family, and readers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it. We are BEING made perfect in Christ! Operative term; BEING! Let's keep letting Him make us perfect in Christ, all the more!