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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Who's Promoting Who?

This morning I took a quick moment to read some scripture. One scripture has been on my mind the past few days: “My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you.” 2 Corinthian s 12:9. I went back to read the verse in context, not that it was needed because the verse is pretty clear. But I wanted to reread what led up to it and what followed it, in context. I recommend that you read it too. 2 Corinthians 12:1-12

It’s funny, ironic, or simply one of those Holy Spirit things: In my departmental prayer meeting this week, the devotional verse that we went over was Philippians 2:3 which says, “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking others better than yourselves.”

Humility. That is the emerging theme here. Don’t we all sometimes get bogged down in the “importance” of ourselves? Focusing on and vying for the next big promotion. Boasting about how great we are at golf or how smart we are scholastically. Vanity! Haven’t we got it figured out yet? It isn’t about who is the strongest or the best at something. It isn’t about self-promotion. Yet, such things are rampant. “Look at me!” “See how good I am at this or that!” “See how important I am!” But truth be told, HE is it! HIS importance should be what we are promoting. His power is made perfect in us when we are weak. We are to be humble, not boasting and prideful. Humility is a concept that is looked upon by the world as weak and odd. This society, this day and time, humility is counter-cultural. It is WEIRD. But, it is what we are called to. Reflecting His strength, His glory, His honor, HIS IMPORTANCE is our job. If He is to increase, I must decrease. That is tough for most to swallow. But when we do, that is when His power is made perfect in us. IN US! And when it is made perfect in us…THEN do we boast? No. NO! Read what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12: 1-12, he has reason to boast, he even said it, but he did not boast about it so that Paul wouldn’t be the center, the focus. We must follow suit. Humility, I challenge all of us to take it on, in all aspects of our lives.

That does not mean to be pitiful, victimized, sad, and pathetic. Because we are also told that we have been made more than conquerors. But how did that happen? Because we are so great, because we are so smart, or because we are so important? NOPE. It is only because HE gives us our strength. He is the source of all that we are, all that we’ve been blessed with, and all that the world sees in us. Because of that we should remain humble and only boast that HE is the source and HE is the reason. See the difference? It is not about you or me! It is ALL Him. Now go and reflect that difference to the world!


Amy said...

Great post!

The first two sentences of your last paragraph are screaming at me. I have to ponder those for awhile before I can comment further.

By the way, how can I work somewhere that part of the normal routine is to have group prayer meetings? That would make work so much better, I think.

Carlotta said...

The first "at work" prayer meeting I attended when I started this job, just blew my mind. I couldn't believe that I was AT WORK, gathered around with my coworkers, reading the Bible, sharing praises and prayer requests, and growing deeper in my faith...AT WORK. Still blows my mind what a HUGE blessing it is. Once a week we do this. It is scheduled and on everyone's calendar. It's incredible. I have been so blessed by working in such an amazing place.
And so I don't boast about such things, we discuss such scriptures and concepts like the ones this post was about!!! It's not because I did anything so great to have such wonderful employment, it is ALL thanks to Him. Talk about being reminded of that gentle balance! It's great.

Amy said...

Well, they're not looking for an Accounting Manager or Assistant Controller or anything like that, are they? ;o)

Carlotta said...

You ready for a SUBSTANTIAL cut in pay? LOL

Hey, ya never know...always keep your eye on the website. You just never know what positions will pop up on there from time to time.

Anonymous said...

I used to be the most "competitive"
person anyone knew (meaning I needed to win All the time) in everything. It did not make any difference what area of my life it was, I needed to win and usually that meant win big, not just barely. God has made me different today. I still want to do the very best I can do, and sometimes that means I even end up being #1. But today, win or lose, I do not believe "I am the man," instead I KNOW, HE IS THE MAN. He wants me to have fun, be a compentent worker, and a great friend and that is much easier when ALL the credit goes to the only One who deserves credit, the One who gave me life, any talent I have, and gives me eternal life with Him.