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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wasn't My Idea...

There are things that arise in our lives that we need to do or are called to do that we simply do not want to do. We always have our reasons, right? I do. Right now, I am right in the middle of something like that. Life is full of change. Most people are resistant to change. I am not...not usually. I like to change things up. I like things to be different and not grow stale. I like to mix it up. I like change...most of the time. Not today though.

I am struggling with some changes in my life. I do not like the direction several things are going. Things that I do not have control over are being changed whether I like it or not. These changes are not lining up with my way of thinking. They are not what I would do. They are not what I want. But alas, they are not changes I implemented, they are however, changes that affect me. Those are the fun ones, right!? Ha!

So, after a knee jerk moment of tantrum (internal tantrum, mind you), I am trying my best to simply trust. Trust who? Those who are making the changes? Uh..NO. They are humans just like me. I trust only in God who holds me amidst the changes. He knows what is going on, and perhaps He is guiding it. Whether He is or whether He isn't, He takes care of me no matter what. He always has and He always will. All I know to do is trust Him and live the way He wants me to live, even in the face of things I simply do not like. I know that I may not be able to see the plan, the road ahead, or the possibilities brought on by these changes. He knows, He sees, He understands. That has to be enough for me. I am submitting to Him, knowing I am HELD by Him. He holds me no matter what may occur, no matter what changes roll into my life. He can even cause something I think that I won't like AT ALL to be an amazing blessing to me. I know this and I am wholeheartedly trusting in it. I can't see His plan in this, but I know one is there. He always has a plan and it always ends up blessing me. Whether I am able to see it in the beginning or not...He always blesses me when I trust in Him and lean not on my own understanding.

Pray for me to continue to trust and to walk along holding His hand. I know He will guide my steps. Pray that if I have another internal tantrum that it subsides quickly and that I will move forward in faith knowing He holds me, always.


Amy said...

Praying for you. I understand completely what you are saying and I frequently struggle with the same thing. Keep your chin up...when you do, you're looking the right direction.

Jeff said...

Always in my prayers. Specifically this situation is now in my prayers. I KNOW that you will continue to trust Him and the fact that He will bless you through this change...somehow, someway!!

Anonymous said...

"And we KNOW that ALL things work together for GOOD to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His PURPOSE."

What we KNOW is greater than what we do not know or immediately understand.