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Monday, April 28, 2008

Prayer Request

Just a quick request for prayers. I am having surgery tomorrow morning to have my tonsils removed. I am a bit nervous. I know it will all be OK, but prayers are welcomed and certainly appreciated for it to go smoothly and for a speedy recovery.

Thanks you guys!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Unzipping YOU

All of the things we have experienced in our lives help us to determine what God has called us to do. Each of us are "called" and have a very specific purpose designed by God. But what is YOUR calling/purpose? Sometimes it's easier to float along and see what happens than to seek out your purpose. Some say, "I have no idea what God's calling is for my life," yet they don't go any further than that statement in figuring it out. But He has given us each gifts, talents, passions, and specific life experiences which all lead to what He called each of us to do individually.

Why are we content to just float along on the breeze? I don't want to stand face to face with God as He "unzips" His creation called Carlotta, to show me all of the things that He purposefully placed within me to use for His kingdom, only to discover those things were UNUSED. I don't want to Him to show me how He intricately designed me for a very specific purpose and I never made the effort to discover what that was and it simply went unaccomplished. I am here in this time and place for a divine purpose. You are too. Do you know what your calling or your specific purpose is?? You have one. Each and every person does. How many people do you think are living theirs out, fully?? Of the few that are, do you think they are because they just are out there floating on the breeze of life or do you think they took a deeper look? God wired you the way He did for a reason. God allowed circumstances in your life for a purpose. God instilled certain gifts and talents and passions within you for His divine plan. What are you actively doing with your wiring, your gifts, your experiences? They are all meant to be used for His glory.

I am in active pursuit of what exactly God designed for me to be doing in this life for Him. This life isn't about me. It's not about you. It is about HIM. I've got to stop seeing me and my plans and my selfishness and seek His plans, His goals, and His divine purpose for Carlotta. He took the effort to design a purpose and a plan for me to impact His kingdom. He didn't do that because He was bored and didn't have anything else going on. He did it because there are certain ways that only I can impact this world! Did you read that? There is only one Carlotta. Thus, there are ways that no one else can impact this world for Him, but ME. The same is true of YOU. And if you don't discover His purpose for you, those things will go UNDONE. I don't want that to happen. I'm sure you don't either.

Take some time to evaluate your wiring, your skills, your gifts, and your past experiences. They are all a part of His intricate design for your purpose. There are things that you are passionate about. Why? God placed that within you!!! These things are not mere coincidence. They are purposefully placed inside of you to help you discover your calling and your purpose. They are not random pieces to an insignificant puzzle. They are divine pieces of an eternal plan. Actively pursue the discovery of your purpose and then jump in and live it with all that you are!

(Here's a great resource book: Chazown by Craig Groeschel)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

That's Why That's In There...

"You give and take away. Blessed be Your Name!" Job 1:21
That is scripture. That is also a verse in one of my favorite songs. I am finding it easier to live that out as situations arise and I somehow live through each of them and find myself blessed at the end of each one.

"My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from Me. Yet I want Your will to be done. Not mine." Matthew 26:39

How many times have we read the "story" of Jesus' life? First, it is more than a story. It occurred. Second, it seems the content of His prayer to His Father just before His capture and death doesn't get as much attention as it could/should. (Matt 26:39) His prayer reflects His humanness. He is SO real. Just like you and me. Truly. He isn't exactly excited about being crucified. He goes to His father and basically says, 'Please if there is ANY OTHER WAY, let's do that! But, Your will be done.' It's the second part of that statement, that gets the most attention, but the first part endears Him even more to me because it reminds me how human He really was. He was a man, flesh and blood. He didn't want to have to go through that horrific ordeal. I wouldn't either. I cannot fathom KNOWING that was GOING TO happen to me. Crucifixions were gruesome and gory. Human mutilation and torture--pure and simple. I know how I get when I know something unpleasant is coming my drives me nuts! But I've never seen gruesome and gory coming for me. But just like the rest of us, He asks God to take that away from Him. He wanted whatever could be done differently, to be done differently if that was at all possible. I would too. I'd have begged and pleaded. I'd have come up with my own ideas and alternatives. ANYTHING but THAT! I am sure Jesus felt that way too, as the human He was. But then, we get our example and model: "But YOUR will be done". (Sigh.) He knew. He knew there was no other way.

Of all the things in scripture that help me to know and believe that He understands me and that He knows and fully understands what it is like to be here and to be truly scared and to be prayerful that things go a different way than they are...any other way, it is that prayer! HE GETS IT!!!!
Thank you God for putting that scripture into Your Word. I need it to be there.

He understands...more than anyone. He has been there and He's been through much worse. But He trusted in God's authority and plan. He knew that as hard as it would be, that God was in control and that it would certainly be worth the pain and anguish. That understanding is transferable to us too. Think about it.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Are you REALLY there?

It's always the small things, the seemingly insignificant things in my life that become the most cherished. Does it work that way for you too? Sure the exotic vacations were great and the big events have their moments. But the day-to-day things are the ones that always end up most deeply ingrained in my heart.

No one throws a party or takes out a billboard when my daughter says her prayers, but every time she does, I melt and I cherish it. It doesn't make the evening news when a good friend or loved one sees me struggling and simply and quietly gives me a hug that says, "I care, and everything is going to be alright". Sitting and talking and laughing with the people in my life become the moments I treasure. Hours, days, and even years later, I can see their faces and smiles, hear their laughter, and relive those times. They didn't make the cover of the paper, but those moments are priceless to me.

Does life ever get so busy or hectic or routine that you don't even realize where the time is going? It is going! Going very quickly. And if we don't take the time to treasure it, to relish it: it will be gone. Live in the moment. When you are with your children or friends or in that moment with them, not just in physical capacity, but in heart and mind and spirit. Cherish them. Don't be somewhere else mentally. Don't be thinking of your business work load, or about what's going on in your love life, or lack thereof. Don't be mentally running through your finances or economic troubles. Don't be pacifying people with your presence if you are not going to really be there in heart. And don't think it has to be a big event or happening. Watch your child play. Stop and watch them play. Better yet, play with them. Don't always be scurrying about getting things done and wake up one day with a grown child whose precious moments you wasted away on the computer, on the phone, cleaning house, fussing over bills, or whatever it is that you are doing. We are trading precious moments in the lives of those we love for minutia. We are. I know I am. And I certainly am not saying to let your responsibilities get away from you. Not at all. But merely to focus and make a real effort to be in the moment, every moment with those you love. It goes so quickly, and you never know when your last moment with that person may be. You never know when your last moment may be. Drink life in! Relish and treasure the little moments in life. They are truly the most meaningful and most precious. Watch for them. They look mundane on the surface. They will elude you if you don't watch for them. Catch them and soak them up deep into your heart. You will be glad you did!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Passing of the Baton

There have been a lot of people in my world lately taking time to stop and reflect on their lives. Yes, it has come in the wake of Vanessa's death (see post below). Anyone who lived a life as full as hers and as in love with Christ as hers can't help but cause us to take a closer look at our own lives. I read one blogger say that because of Vanessa, she was going to really go forward and shine! Another spoke of living out her dreams instead of just dreaming them. I wonder when I die, if my life will inspire such wonderful things? Sadly, if it came today, I doubt it would.

The biggest thing I took from Vanessa's life was exactly what knowledge of and relationship with Christ LOOKS like lived out. She knew Him intimately. She was completely changed by Him. She reflected Him to others...ANYONE who came remotely near her felt...HIM.

That is what I want my life to radiate. Christ!! Not me. I want others to know that He has changed me at the very core. He took me, forgave unforgivable things, cleaned me up, loved me like no one else ever has, has stayed loyal to me and stayed by my side every moment. NO ONE else has ever loved me that way. He accepted me when I was COMPLETELY unacceptable. He never once treated me as though I were not good enough. He loved me...the real me. The real me that thankfully ONLY He truly knows...and He loved me and accepted me anyway. Vanessa lived that way too. She illustrated the heart of Christ. She knew what He'd done in her life and she freely gave that love, compassion and acceptance to others. Forgiveness. Am I able to grant it to those who don't deserve it? I can now. He showed me how...up close and personal. Can I accept those that are just plain unacceptable. I can now. He showed me, using myself as an example. Can I be compassionate to those who are hardest to give it to, but need it the most? I can. He did that for me as well. Vanessa lived those things as well and it showed in her life and in her treatment of others. Christ's love changed her. And so she showed that love to others. Was she perfect? No. But the one thing she did exceedingly well was showing Christ to all that came into contact with her...and especially to those who needed it the most. She had a way of really seeing those that were truly searching for Him in this cruel world. In her, they saw Him. In her, they felt Him. In her, they were pointed to Him.

That is what I want to take from Vanessa's example. That's the biggest, most prominent challenge she presented to me in her departure from this life. Carlotta-are you giving them Christ? Can they FEEL Him through you? Does your life draw them closer to Him? Can they see your transformation because of Him and KNOW that they can have that too? Are you radiating Christ? Are you a walking talking illustration of the love of Christ and the amazing life He has so freely blessed you with? Radiate Christ in all that you do. Let them SEE Him in you. Let them HEAR Him in you. Let them FEEL Him in you. And show them that they too can be saved from this life and can walk closely with Him too. Be His example to them. Be the billboard of Christ's love. Vanessa truly was all of that and I so loved that about her! I want to see people like she Christ does. I want them to FEEL His love through ME! I want to start right now. That was her greatest legacy. What could be greater? She passed the baton...

Are you willing to take it? I am. I AM!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

An Angel Gone Home

Vanessa Whitwell, 34, beloved by her family and endeared to all, fell peacefully into the loving embrace of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 6, 2008 due to a brain hemorrhage.
Vanessa was born May 9, 1973 in Waco, Texas. She was raised in and around the HEB area and attended Trinity High School in Euless, Texas. After graduating from high school in 1991, Vanessa received a B.S. in Psychology from the University of North Texas in 1996.
Vanessa’s true gift of music influenced her early career choices, but her heart for God drove her to the ministry. Utilizing her superior singing voice, she toured with Sierra, a contemporary Christian singing group in 1999. Completing that tour, she returned to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and answered a call to work at Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas. While on staff at Fellowship, Vanessa initially worked in the creative arts department, helping to facilitate worship with her beautiful singing voice; however, her influence expanded during her nine year tenure to a variety of areas within the church including women’s ministry, resources, conferences and events.
Vanessa approached her relationships with a sincere kindness and with a genuine heart for those in need. Known as an encourager and a consummate cheerleader, Vanessa lived with a passionate ferocity for life spreading joy and laughter along the way. She had a strong faith that dictated her choices, and sense of self that empowered all who came in contact with her.
Vanessa will be dearly missed by her loving husband, Andy Whitwell; her parents, Hugh and Lisa Hunt and Myrna Hunt; her sisters, Leslie, Loryn, and Haylee Hunt; her grandmother, Polly Hunt and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Blackwood; along with numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wasn't My Idea...

There are things that arise in our lives that we need to do or are called to do that we simply do not want to do. We always have our reasons, right? I do. Right now, I am right in the middle of something like that. Life is full of change. Most people are resistant to change. I am not...not usually. I like to change things up. I like things to be different and not grow stale. I like to mix it up. I like change...most of the time. Not today though.

I am struggling with some changes in my life. I do not like the direction several things are going. Things that I do not have control over are being changed whether I like it or not. These changes are not lining up with my way of thinking. They are not what I would do. They are not what I want. But alas, they are not changes I implemented, they are however, changes that affect me. Those are the fun ones, right!? Ha!

So, after a knee jerk moment of tantrum (internal tantrum, mind you), I am trying my best to simply trust. Trust who? Those who are making the changes? Uh..NO. They are humans just like me. I trust only in God who holds me amidst the changes. He knows what is going on, and perhaps He is guiding it. Whether He is or whether He isn't, He takes care of me no matter what. He always has and He always will. All I know to do is trust Him and live the way He wants me to live, even in the face of things I simply do not like. I know that I may not be able to see the plan, the road ahead, or the possibilities brought on by these changes. He knows, He sees, He understands. That has to be enough for me. I am submitting to Him, knowing I am HELD by Him. He holds me no matter what may occur, no matter what changes roll into my life. He can even cause something I think that I won't like AT ALL to be an amazing blessing to me. I know this and I am wholeheartedly trusting in it. I can't see His plan in this, but I know one is there. He always has a plan and it always ends up blessing me. Whether I am able to see it in the beginning or not...He always blesses me when I trust in Him and lean not on my own understanding.

Pray for me to continue to trust and to walk along holding His hand. I know He will guide my steps. Pray that if I have another internal tantrum that it subsides quickly and that I will move forward in faith knowing He holds me, always.