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Friday, April 25, 2008

Unzipping YOU

All of the things we have experienced in our lives help us to determine what God has called us to do. Each of us are "called" and have a very specific purpose designed by God. But what is YOUR calling/purpose? Sometimes it's easier to float along and see what happens than to seek out your purpose. Some say, "I have no idea what God's calling is for my life," yet they don't go any further than that statement in figuring it out. But He has given us each gifts, talents, passions, and specific life experiences which all lead to what He called each of us to do individually.

Why are we content to just float along on the breeze? I don't want to stand face to face with God as He "unzips" His creation called Carlotta, to show me all of the things that He purposefully placed within me to use for His kingdom, only to discover those things were UNUSED. I don't want to Him to show me how He intricately designed me for a very specific purpose and I never made the effort to discover what that was and it simply went unaccomplished. I am here in this time and place for a divine purpose. You are too. Do you know what your calling or your specific purpose is?? You have one. Each and every person does. How many people do you think are living theirs out, fully?? Of the few that are, do you think they are because they just are out there floating on the breeze of life or do you think they took a deeper look? God wired you the way He did for a reason. God allowed circumstances in your life for a purpose. God instilled certain gifts and talents and passions within you for His divine plan. What are you actively doing with your wiring, your gifts, your experiences? They are all meant to be used for His glory.

I am in active pursuit of what exactly God designed for me to be doing in this life for Him. This life isn't about me. It's not about you. It is about HIM. I've got to stop seeing me and my plans and my selfishness and seek His plans, His goals, and His divine purpose for Carlotta. He took the effort to design a purpose and a plan for me to impact His kingdom. He didn't do that because He was bored and didn't have anything else going on. He did it because there are certain ways that only I can impact this world! Did you read that? There is only one Carlotta. Thus, there are ways that no one else can impact this world for Him, but ME. The same is true of YOU. And if you don't discover His purpose for you, those things will go UNDONE. I don't want that to happen. I'm sure you don't either.

Take some time to evaluate your wiring, your skills, your gifts, and your past experiences. They are all a part of His intricate design for your purpose. There are things that you are passionate about. Why? God placed that within you!!! These things are not mere coincidence. They are purposefully placed inside of you to help you discover your calling and your purpose. They are not random pieces to an insignificant puzzle. They are divine pieces of an eternal plan. Actively pursue the discovery of your purpose and then jump in and live it with all that you are!

(Here's a great resource book: Chazown by Craig Groeschel)


Jeff said...

WOW!!! I agree with you wholeheartedly!! I know that when you write things such as this, that you are simply writing what He has placed in your heart. Let me just say that out of all the thoughts that you have shared in this forum...this one, I think, is at the VERY TOP of the list.
Great job my friend :)


Amy said...

Jeff, you have my copy of that book. Have you read it?

Carlotta said...

Jeff, if you have not read it yet, I recommend it!
I am re-reading it, and really doing the work it in.
I recommend it to anyone/everyone!

Jeff said...

Amy, yes I do have your copy of that book. I started reading it when you first gave it to me, but didn't get very far. You both know how much I LOVE to read ;)

However, I'm going to go out on a limb here and promise both of you that I WILL take the time to start it again...and actually finish it this time.

Anonymous said...

Here's the deal. Several years ago, I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to look inside and see what WAS in there. I was certain there was either very little or nothing, and I was right, BUT (Behold the Underlying Truth) I was blinded to His truth by Satan. I saw only my weaknesses, my faults, my poor self-image, and my failings. Fortunately, He made me look closer, but I still could not believe what I saw because I was looking through the prism of my past. Only when I begged to see His truth, did I see what He could do with sorry old me. And when I saw it, it scared me witless, but I finally said OK, and He has taken me on a journey of helping others that may never end, probably won't. My advice, close your faulty eyes, and ask Him to let you see through His perfect eyes. Everything will change. It is scary and it's not easy, so fasten your seatbelts and hang on for the ride of your life.