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Sunday, May 11, 2008


I am unsettled. Am I the only one who gets this way from time to time? Not just in general, but spiritually speaking?

I am not sure, but I think that when this happens it is a stirring from the Holy Spirit. He/It (whatever we call it) never allows me to get too comfortable where I am spiritually. That's a good thing. We should always be growing. We should never be satisfied with the status quo. That's the place I currently find myself. I know that God expects more of me. I know He blessed me with more than I am using. I'd say at least twice a year, sometimes more, I come to these spiritual places in my life where I know He is trying to get my attention and use me or change me in some way. My path usually begins changing during these times. Sometimes that is a visible/tangible change, sometimes it is all completely internal.

This time, I don't know yet what will transpire. I just feel an intense stirring within my soul that He wants more from me right now. I don't know what that means, how it should be fleshed out, or what kind of changes that means. When I don't know where things are going, I feel unsettled. I really deplore that feeling. I like the KNOWN. I am super uncomfortable with the UNKNOWN. But yet again, that is where I find myself.

I don't really know what the point of this post is, or what the purpose of sharing that with you all is exactly, other than to perhaps request your prayers for His will for this time in my life to be revealed in crystal clarity. I SOOO want to live my life exactly as me wants me to. I want to know what He desires from me. I want to exceed His expectations. Please pray that I am open, receptive, and ready to go wherever He is leading this time around.

I am apprehensive, unsettled, and yet excited, because I know every time He has stirred me, it turns out to be an awesome experience once it begins to take shape and blossoms into what He had desired.

Do you guys have these biannual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, whatever they, pull the rug out from beneath you times where God is pulling you into new territory?? If you do, is it as exciting and tumultuous as it is for me? If you don't...maybe you should adjust your antennae and receptors. His plan for you/His will for you will not allow you to stagnate or become complacent or comfortable. That is just His way... Watch for Him, be quiet enough to hear His call, be open enough to sense Him tugging at you. He will. Then follow where He leads, even if it is unsettling and new. It will amaze you where He will take you if you let go and hold on tightly to Him as He leads you down His path...wherever new territory it may lead you to.


Jeff said...

Your timing for this post is impeccable. I too have been feeling a bit "unsettled" lately myself...especially these last couple of weeks. Ed has been talking about being asleep spiritually and how we need to WAKE UP!! One of the scriptures Ed has referenced is
Ephesians 5:14. It says "Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light."

I DO NOT want to be "asleep" spiritually. Sometimes, lately...I feel as though maybe I am at least "dozing off."

So, I completely understand where you are coming from. I will most certainly be praying that His will for you will become clear to you at this time in your life. And, I would ask you to pray the same prayer for me, my friend.

Anonymous said...

I've read MMLJ very carefully and many times. What I've come away with is the belief that Jesus woke up every day thinking about others, those that were sick, hurting, deformed, sad, and otherwise being destroyed by Satan. It never comes as a surprise when the feeling you are experiencing comes to me. These days I have learned to anticipate, even predict,it. And it does come at those times when I begin to drift, when my soul is in stall mode, and I thank God He sends the Spirit to "discomfort" me. Get it? The "Comforter" discomforting. I take it as a gentle reminder that I need a greater focus on the same people that the Savior focused His attention upon.