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Friday, June 27, 2008

The End of an Addiction?

Do you have any addictions? I use that term very loosely and playfully in this post.... (I don't mean substance abuse, sex, gambling or any/all of the actual addictions, please forgive me if my playful use of the word addiction offends anyone, I just couldn't think of another word that would suffice) What I really mean is do you have certain things that are recurring weaknesses for you? Something that perhaps you do too much of, or buy too much of, or spend too much time or money on or thinking about? I know there are people with many different things that vie for their money, time, and attention. (chocolate, blogging, shopping, Starbucks, work, office-supplies etc...)

One of my biggest addictions is buying Bibles. It's nuts. I love Bibles. I love different translations. I love study Bibles. I love parallel Bibles. I love devotional Bibles. I love Bibles geared towards women. I love BIBLES. I have big ones, paperback ones, check-book sized ones, leather ones, hard-bound ones, ones with pretty covers, ones I have had since I was a young child, ones I have had for less than a week. What does one person need with so many Bibles? (I suppose there could be worse things than having Bible-addiction. LOL.) I finally found a Bible that I think is the right "fit" for me. Does that even make sense to anyone else? It is a journaling Bible. It has a soft leather cover with a long thin leather strap that you wrap around it to keep it closed. It is very comfortable and unpretentious, but unique nonetheless. It is the inside that I like most of all (kind of the point huh?). It isn't in my favorite translation, but that is OK. I like the margins. No, I love the margins. They are big and lined. PLENTY of room for me to take notes and to journal. I've never seen this Bible anywhere except this one little Christian store....and in my mind it was WAY over-priced...but then, in my mind, lots of things are. Every time I went in this store, I looked at this Bible. I wanted it. There was something about it that appealed to me in a way that was different that all of the other Bibles I already have or have seen. But I have talked myself out of it for about a year now. The other day I bought a book in this store and when I paid for it they gave me a $10.00 coupon for my next purchase. That plus a discount I already receive for working at a church, was just the incentive I needed to step out and buy that Bible. I DID IT. I bought it at the beginning of this week. I have already enjoyed it so much. I don't want to put it down. I want to continue reading it and writing in it, even when I need to be sleeping, or going back to work from lunch, or whatever. "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11 That's what I want. I know we cannot keep our heads tucked in a Bible all the time, we must be out sharing the Word with others. But I have never felt that I have spent enough time in the Word. I want it ingrained in my heart...etched into it!! This Bible has reignited my passion for God's Word and my study of it and change and growth because of it. I look forward to years and years of growth and journaling in this Bible. I have also made a commitment not to buy another for myself for a very long time!! I have all of them I could EVER possible need. In fact, I may send some of the ones that I do not use regularly to a ministry that sends them out into the world for those that do not have access to Bibles! They need to be USED and USED well.

Does anyone else have an addiction like mine of purchasing Bibles? If you have any fun ones or silly ones, share them with us. Don't be afraid. Just step up, state your name, and admit that you too have a problem. I certainly do. "Hi my name is Carlotta, and I buy Bibles..."


Amy said...

I have the EXACT same addiction. I own more Bibles than anybody I know. Just bought a new one a few weeks ago...but I love the sound of a Bible with lines in the margins to journal. Where did you find it?

Anonymous said...

I'm sooooo very sorry, your problem may be in your genes. I, too, am a Bible junkie, and worse, I have enablers, my wife (your Mom)
buys me Bibles, knowing full well I don't need more. She doesn't buy me new rods & reels or a new golf putter, but I do get a new Bible ever so often whether I need it or not.

Erin said...

I'm so glad to know it's not just me! I was just in Barnes & Noble today looking, yet again, at Bibles. I finally shook myself and said "I don't need another one!"

My thing is that I don't feel like I'm really reading the Bible unless I'm reading the one I've had since 1987. I have other versions I like better (current favorite is the New Century Version, but I also really like the English Standard Version and The Message.) So I may read something in one of the others, but I always have to go back and read it again in my NIV.

The cover was falling apart and I'm not a fan of those zipper things with "Footprints" on the cover. (No offense to anyone who has that!) I found a plain black leather cover a couple of years ago, so I no longer fear my Bible falling apart.

The one you just got sounds wonderful - my writing is all over the place and small and squished. But I don't know that I could switch Bibles.

Funny how your post made me ramble on about my own Bible addiction tendencies. :-)

Kay said...

I have an addiction, only it isn't as noble as buying Bibles. (Boy, do I feel bad now!) Anyway, my name is Kay and I am addicted to... planners. I can't help it. Whatever store I'm in, I always have to look at what they have. I let my imagination run wild and see the things each individual planner can do for me. I have always been on the quest for the perfect planner and as of about two weeks ago, I think I found it... the Planner Pad. It has room for me to break my tasks down into 6 categories, a daily to-do list for each day of the week and an appointment section. I LOVE IT! I wonder if I'm cured now...

Carlotta said...

Amy, the store I found my new Bible in is called Corban. I bought the only one they had in there like this. It's been in there for a LONG time. Maybe since someone finally bought it they will order and stock another one. Who knows. It is a great little store by the way. I frequent it a lot on my lunch breaks. It is in Coppell. GREAT little store. Fabulous Bible!

Kimberly said...

ha! i LOVE this post... when i moved in with my mother a few months ago, i was going through all my books and had 27 different Bibles, most in different translations. i donated them. it was terrifying! i didn't donates all of them. i kept my large print one and the one i bought when i was baptized and Clay now carries it. i kept the one my aunt gave me for Christmas and the one my parents gave me for Christmas the year they made a vague move toward going to church and told us about the man in the red suit and the REAL reason for Christmas :)

i also have a fixation with notebooks... spiral notebooks to be exact. i use steno pads to take notes at church and will make a point to check out the spirals any time i'm in a walmart, target, office depot, etc. I LOVE THEM!!

Carlotta said...

Well, Kay and Kimberly, your addictions fall into another addiction-category I suffer with-Office Supplies. I totally DIG office supplies. Is that totally weird or what? I love planners, notebooks, pens/markers/highlighters of every color. Pink paperclips in the shapes of hearts. Colored staples. Notepads, spirals, binders, planners, colored rubber bands, fun and funky post-its...oh how I could go on!!
It is ridiculous. I know where I get that addiction from too!
In fact, I found the coolest stapler EVER the other day. It is such an awesome stapler, that everyone in my office has either bought one for thenmselves as well or is constantly at my desk want to use mine. It is the world most fabulous stapler, truly it is.
Is there a support-group for this addiction? It may be worse than my Bible addiction...I'm not sure. It is quite intense in such a wonderful way!

Kimberly said...

ohhh!! i dearly adore office supplies!! it's a WONDERFUL thing! i just bought the most FABULOUS leopard print and zebra print clips - you know? the ones that are usually just black metal clamps with silver prongs??? i LOVE my new ones! and highlighters in purple & pink! and i ADORE purple pens!

ok, well... i guess we can start our own Bible/Office Supply Support Group... HEY! that is BOSS! *gigglesnort* that ROCKS!

Amy said...

I saw this Bible in The Source on Saturday. Is it the same? ESV translation? I loved it.

Carlotta said...

That's the one! It's awesome.