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Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Max Lucado said, "Let God's love be enough for you. There are seasons when God allows us to feel the frailty of human love so we'll appreciate the strength of His."

I love that. There are all kinds of relational loves in our lives. Love between a man and a woman. Love between friends, family, fellow Christians, etc. And not a one of them is perfection. That's because we are all human, thus we tend to mess things up pretty regularly. But even when we are struggling with a mangled love between ourselves and any other human being...guess who is there, strong as ever? GOD. When our spouse says something that cuts us deeply and we don't understand their lack of tact and we question how they could be so hurtful (even when they don't see it)...God is there. He carries us through the spats and miscommunications with our mates. When our friend doesn't have time for us anymore because she has a new man in her life and it injures our heart...God is there. He is our constant friend and companion even when others lose sight of us. He is our pillar, our strength with love that never leaves, or fails, or injures. When our dad has never really been a real dad and has never seen the desperation we have for his love...God our Father is there with open and loving arms, strong enough to bear the burden of the deepest wounds. Sometimes, we see that the most clearly only when human love has failed us or has fallen short. I know that God would never cause any of those things to happen, but He does allow them and in so doing reveals the frailty of human love only to magnify the strength and depth of His perfect love.

I love LOVE. I really do. Love is an amazing gift. I SOOO love LOVE. All of it. I love love between a man and a woman. Parent and child. Friend and friend. Saved and lost. But especially the love my God has for me and the love I have for Him. Good grief...He is LOVE...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last night, Frank asked for a single word to describe Jesus, I chose LOVE. You, me, and Max, we get it! Without His LOVE, all is lost, with it, there is the full and abundant life, only in Christ.