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Monday, June 16, 2008

Is That a Broken Heart?

God is the ultimate healer. We are the ultimate wounded. We only need to admit that we are wounded and need to be healed and go to Him for it. But it only works if we go to Him. Sometimes, for many, that requires too much vulnerability. It is too hard to admit that we can't handle it ourselves. We have to check our pride at the door. Some simply refuse to do so. And they remain wounded...some are even bleeding to death on the inside.

As for me, I am healed. He's healed me of so many things. There are things over the years that I've brought to Him that I never thought could be anyone. (Silly me.) Most of the time, those things were matters of the heart---my biggest affliction. My biggest injuries and hurts in life have been directly tied to my heart. But God has healed my heart each time, not always on my time frame, but that's alright. Sometimes I have my heart so mangled that it takes quite some time for Him to work it all through. But He does it. I don't know how, but He does it. And He continues to not only heal me...but He continues to grow me stronger and deeper BECAUSE of those trials. Not only does He get me through it, He lifts me higher up each time. Pretty cool, if you ask me!

He got the opportunity to prove how thorough His healing truly is, this past weekend. His healing was tested...not on purpose, but tested nonetheless. What would have been potentially tricky for my heart in months past, turned out to not be scary, painful or traumatic, instead turned out to be healthy and fun and wonderful. It wasn't damaging and didn't rip my old wounds open. God healed me...fully. His handiwork was tested and proved. (Boy, does He love me!)

I have a necklace that is part of a line of Christian jewelry called Remember Me jewelry; it is a heart with a crooked line down the middle from the top to the bottom. It appears to be a broken heart. It isn't, though; it is a mended heart. A whole heart. It reminds the wearer (and those who ask about it), that God heals the broken hearted; He makes us whole again. That particular piece of jewelry is simply titled WHOLE. That's what He does with broken hearts and broken lives. Even when we've been ripped in two. I may still show the scar down the middle of my heart, but the scar helps me to remember how He has healed me and my heart.

I still love...and I love fully and very deeply. My heart doesn't know how to love without reckless abandon. But I like that about me. I really do. And I will stay that way until I take my last breath on this earth and I do not apologize for it. It is a part of how HE wired me. God can handle the healing, if needed. I trust Him with my heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is only one kind of true love. Fully, on fire, with no hold backs. However, we are told in scripture to guard our hearts, to be wise, and be ever watchful. The problem with not heeding Him in these matters is that we sometimes become jaded and not ABLE to fully love for fear of additional injury and/or pain. Thank God you have not suffered that fate, but we all know those who have, and we see and feel their pain. You point out, rightly so, that He can heal even those who have become jaded and fearful, IF they will give him time and room. These are the ones we MUST encourage and pray for.