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Monday, June 9, 2008

Run Baby Run!

So many times I hear life and spirituality referred to as a race. I tend to like that. I come from a competitive, track and field background. So I relate well to those types of analogies. (And don't mistake the word race for being in a hurry per say....)

Who are you (we) racing against? Each other? No. I see it a few different ways.... Such as: Running away from sin, Satan, temptations, etc... OR: Running towards forgiveness, trust, faith, Christ and our eternity with Him. But in order to win a race you have to be properly equipped, in shape, and prepared. No exception here either.

Yet, I've noticed some racers who don't seem to understand the dynamics of racing. You have to be focused on your goal. You have to keep your mind and eyes on the finish line. You have to be light on your feet. Most racers wear extremely light weight clothing. Lycra, spandex, etc... You don't ever see one tromping around the track in a heavy sweater, denim jeans, and steel toed boots. Those things would impede their mobility and their speed. They would be totally weighed down. Yet, I see people dragging all kinds of things with them in their race. Things like: feelings of unworthiness, shame, guilt, past mistakes and pain etc... You name it; people are dragging it around with them. What's even more crazy is that in this race, the more people we can help to make it to the finish line with us, the better. Yet, how are we to lend a hand or help a fallen racer if our arms are full of the extremely heavy weights that we carry with us? We can't win the race ourselves like that and we surely can't help anyone else in our weighed-down condition. Doesn't make much sense, but I see it every single day.

If we want to be successful in our race (toward eternal life with Christ) then we should take a look at what we might be dragging around with us, that we absolutely do not need. Look for those things that are slowing you down, the things that are keeping you from helping others too. Then what??? Toss them behind you to that guy who is right on your heels. Not another racer... No I am talking about that guy directly behind you... you see him? He's close. Close enough to breathe down your neck. His name is Satan...and believe me he is there. Plus, he probably gave those heavy things to you in the first place. And I'd bet if you toss them back to him, you will be freed up to make some real strides in getting further and further away from him and his attempts to stall you. Think about it. It makes some sense. Think of God as your coach and His word as your water/Gatorade and training guide. Trust Him. Believe what He says about you. He is what you should be wearing--the clothing that moves with you and keeps you light on your feet. He is all you need. Don't stay weighed down with Satan, eventually tiring out and unable to finish. He will continue throwing things at you for you to carry, to keep you from helping others too.... No one says you have to catch anything that monster throws at you. Keep your head forward and run for your life. He will throw things the whole way and they will fall to the ground behind you and the only one tripping over them will be him. And if you keep your head facing forward, you will never see the stuff he's trying to throw at you in the first place. We don't start trying to catch that stuff until we start looking back.

That's the first thing my track coach taught me. DO NOT LOOK BACK. It slows you down, it distracts you, and it takes extra muscles and extra effort. It will cause you to lose ground.

How right Coach Abrams was. Think about it. Especially when you realize who it is running right behind you. Keep your eyes on God and lighten your load. Let go of your burdens. Trust in God and RUN BABY RUN!!! And tell all the other racers you see along the way. Help them too, you are on the same team after all!


Anonymous said...

It ALWAYS (for many years now) amazes me how many people reject God's valuation of them, thinking they are of little or no value, thinking of themselves as victims or losers. They do that in spite of the GREAT price God placed on them, and the GREAT price He paid with the blood of His Son. We are of GREAT value (God is no fool, He would not pay more than the true value). We are not losers or victims, we are (as Paul said) MORE than victors. Amen?

Jeff said...

You have such a God-given gift for writing insightful, intriguing thoughts on your page. A race...what a GREAT way to look at this. Thank you my friend, as always, for sharing your thoughts in such a wonderful way.