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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Action Verbs

God gives. God takes. God's name be ever blessed...
Job 1:21

I would like to understand the WHYS of this life. I really would. I struggle with them A LOT. I don't always understand WHY. Yet, not all things are for me to understand. That is something we (I) must learn to accept. The concept is called faith. For me, faith is not just believing in things unseen. It is accepting that which I simply cannot understand. God gives. Easy to understand and accept. God takes. Harder to grasp. But in all things even those which I don't understand and those which I simply don't like at and faith are critical. I know that there are lessons, protection, and grand orchestration of all things that God is the center of. I simply cannot understand it all. But I trust that in all things such as these that His view and His plan are FAR superior to mine. That alone sometimes is all that will bring me peace.

Lord help me to not spin and wrestle with all of the things that I don't like, that don't seem right or fair or just, the things that I simply DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Grant me peace and remind me of your infinite wisdom and love for me.

Trust and faith are daily activities for me. They are verbs in my life...not nouns, but action verbs. They are not "givens". They are intentional. They are something I have to wake up and DO. It is not second-nature. Still. I am still God's work in progress.

God gives. God takes. Whether my understanding can grasp it or not. But may I always trust in Him and His wisdom and bless His name forever and ever.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5


Amy said...

What a great reminder for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Your CHOICE of Prov. 3:5 is perfect to end this blog, says it ALL.