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Wednesday, December 3, 2008


A dear friend and I were talking. We both have this feeling of homelessness that ebbs and flows. Not that we don't have a home to live in...but a feeling of homelessness within our hearts. We seek to comfort that feeling at church, in small groups, with friends, with romances, etc...whatever we think will work. Sometimes, temporarily, that works. Sometimes friends, family, a romantic interest, church family, etc...will fill the void. But it never seems to last long enough to sustain an "at home" feeling in the heart/soul.

I have seen many people feel this ache and move from church to church to church thinking that the problem is the local church they are attending at the time. Others seek to rove through social circles and friends trying to fill up the hole and distract their minds from the void. And some look for it in romance...the great "love of their lives". They all eventually fall short of what is the real need.

I've tried all of those things. However, no matter where or who I've turned to, it wasn't enough. But I've realized something: it will never be enough. Even when I fill myself up with the Lord (which is where I should always go FIRST), it isn't enough. My soul feels a longing and a void that will never be eased until I make it home--to my soul's real home. I will feel homeless until I am home. Home is not here. When we begin to love this life, these relationships, and these trappings enough that we are satisfied...we will no longer desire Him and our home with Him the way we were made to.

I used to feel like something was "wrong" with me because of my homeless feeling. Now I recognize it as growing closer to my Lord and my intense desire to be with Him as my soul was designed for...for eternity. So when those aches and unfulfilled desires gnaw at my heart, I stop and smile and know that I am right where I should be. I am aching at the very core of my soul to be with my heart's desire, my Lord and my God. I will feel homeless until I am truly home... HOME with Him.


Anonymous said...

Brings new meaning to the old saying "home is where the heart is".

Anonymous said...

Interesting, insightful blog. And, of course, you're right. For many, the homeless feeling, combined with another horrible feeling, feeling alone, can be overwhelming, especially at this time of the year. Now is the time that we, as Christians, can shine the light of Christ into very dark and lonely lives. What we know, that they do not, is that Jesus gives us access to the God of all universes. We need not feel lonely or feel homeless, because Christ is with us ALWAYS, and through Him, our souls can go (whenever we please) to the very throne of God for a chat with Him.

That is THE message, The hope we need to bring to those so homeless and alone at this time.

Carlotta said...

THE MESSAGE is that there is a home with Him. A place of hope, forgiveness, peace, contentment, love and pure joy. Thankfully I know I am not alone EVER, but millions upon millions do not know such comfort. It is our job to share.

For me I look to Him for sustainance and for that feeling of home. He is with me always, but I still long to be THERE and not here. Heaven tugs at my soul constantly!

Anonymous said...

Well said.